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New Heighway Owner

The entire Heighway debacle can be summarized as this: all talk and no action. Andrew promising games for years. New investors saying games will go out ASAP when they have no idea how to manufacture games. Again. For this to work these guys need to invest millions and hire a team that know how to manufacture pinball in volume. I can count the men that know how to do that on one hand.

Apology accepted.
First step is the new group needs to tell buyers who's in charge and how they are going to handle refund requests. Take care of the existing customers first who have been waiting forever for refunds.
I would expect they announce a price increase for anyone not yet on the order list. For better or worse, that would encourage people who are in, to stay in.
If I had put thousands of pounds into the hands of a fledgling pinball co and was now being fobbed off/ ignored, I would be onto my credit card co to try to recoup my dough. I would not have parted with a penny using anything other than a credit card, but if I had, I would be investigating taking legal action

If you are 5k or whatever in the hole and you are getting ignored, a formal process should at least get you listened to. The noisiest chick in the nest is the most likely to get fed.

Lawyers on here will know better than me, and my knowledge is a few years out of date, but a small claims court procedure might be a realistic and cost effective place to start. It all depends on what contract you have with the seller. If you can sensibly take small claims court action, consider taking it, get a judgement, then petition for a winding up order if you are not then paid.

I have no idea what is going on with Alien here, but be aware that creditors can get zero back when struggling businesses find new owners/ secure investment. It all depends on the structure of the rescue or fundraising deal. If new equity has gone into a business and none of the associated companies are going into administration/ being liquidated/ being pre-packed then creditors could be ok. But some rescue structures for failing businesses can leave the former ceditors well and truly burnt. You should not automatically assume that any new investment referred to in Pinball News will enhance your position or bale you out
A price increase would be the final nail in the coffin. If anything they should be knocking off a percentage as a gesture of goodwill for the current backers and/or future purchasers.
Am I missing something? The same investors that stood by and watched Andy run the company into the ground are now going to turn HP into a successful pinball company? That's what's happening here, right?
Am I missing something? The same investors that stood by and watched Andy run the company into the ground are now going to turn HP into a successful pinball company? That's what's happening here, right?
We hope so, yes.
I was away from Thurs for long weekend and am only just catching up on all the Alien news :eek:

Going to be interesting to see how this pans out. Good luck to them.

Though with the multiple issues that are being reported with the few games that have shipped I would be amazed if fully working games are rolling out in a matter of weeks. I think people will have to be prepared to wait months for this to get sorted.

I really hope going forward honest and realistic timelines are put in place. They can't continue with the endless next week, next month, next week, next month nonsense.

I will just say regardless of everything that has happened I do feel dreadfully for Andy , he must feel pretty sick about how it has all turned out - at the end of the day all he wanted was to make his pinball dream a reality. He tried, and unfortunately failed .
Emails being sent out to refund requesters:

Hi Pinball friend!

We are reaching out to you since you have pre-ordered an Alien Pinball from us at Heighway Pinball. Sadly we have also received your request for a refund. I don’t know if you are aware of the latest changes at Heighway Pinball? Times are a changing and to the better! There is no denial that there has been a massive struggle getting to the stage of mass production. As you might have heard there has been changes in the management at Heighway recently. The group of investors that previously was minor shareholders, and uninvolved in the daily business, is now leading the company into the next phase of the company’s development. Don’t worry, we will carry on the legacy from Andrew when it comes to making great pinball machines based on great themes, but we will also bring a completely new dimension to the management side of the company. The investment group consists of business men with a BIG heart for pinball! We simply know a lot about how to run businesses successfully at the same time as we love pinball and everything that has to do with it (whether it be collecting, restoring, competing etc.)

To further introduce us to you, please find the core team below. There are more investors involved but these guys are the main group who will be driving Heighway Pinball forward:

Roger Svanevik and Cato Paus-Skrede – Norwegians.
A little about us. We have been together as “brothers” since the 80’s. We started a business together in the fire protection field in the 90’s and built it from the ground up. We also have background in business, computers and programming. We are involved in several businesses and have been involved in building most of them from the ground up. Today we are involved in and run our own businesses in fire protection, software development, construction material production, digital printing and marketing products and game operating. Some of you might have seen us and talked to us around the world on pinball shows as we love pinball.

Daniel Janson – Swedish.
My story with pinball started in a snack bar in the early 80’s. My background is with IT, I am a computer guy who started my own business in 2001, a business that today employs quite some people at a few offices around Sweden. My base skill is software programming and I originally started programming to develop computer games. In 2012 I decided to start a pinball shop since there were none in Sweden at the time. So, I started Free Play which have grown into a business on its own for the last 5 years. We may have met at some pinball show in the past years, possibly in a competition or at the Heighway Pinball booth.

Patrik Tenn – Swedish.
If you ever visit Sweden you need to come by my place, a nice place for pinheads since my pinball collection contains around 100 machines. I started a manufacturing business in the mid-90’s that runs still. My first business was founded already back in 1988. I bring vast experience in the field of manufacturing to Heighway Pinball and knows a lot about how to run a production line efficiently.

Alexander Spohr – German.
I got my first pinball when I was eleven, an Orbit. Since then I founded three companies with different partners, employing more than 150 people. They are still in existence, one is now part of a larger one.
Pinball may be a difficult business. But I am used to tackle problems in my way and overcome them.

We would like to speak to you and ask why you have asked for a refund for Alien. We are straightforward about this and are obviously very interested to know if there is anything that could make you change your mind now that things finally start to get exciting? We do have a solid plan moving forwards which we will share with you on the phone. We sincerely hope you are willing to let us explain our thoughts for the way forward.

Due to increased production cost of Alien since the game was initially announced we want you to know there is a price increase planned in the near future – however, as a pre-order customer you are still entitled to the price you got when placing your pre-order.

We will give you a call in the next few days and are looking forward to a really nice pinball conversation!

Very Best Regards,
The new management of Heighway Pinball
Emails being sent out to refund requesters:

Hi Pinball friend!

We are reaching out to you since you have pre-ordered an Alien Pinball from us at Heighway Pinball. Sadly we have also received your request for a refund. I don’t know if you are aware of the latest changes at Heighway Pinball? Times are a changing and to the better! There is no denial that there has been a massive struggle getting to the stage of mass production. As you might have heard there has been changes in the management at Heighway recently. The group of investors that previously was minor shareholders, and uninvolved in the daily business, is now leading the company into the next phase of the company’s development. Don’t worry, we will carry on the legacy from Andrew when it comes to making great pinball machines based on great themes, but we will also bring a completely new dimension to the management side of the company. The investment group consists of business men with a BIG heart for pinball! We simply know a lot about how to run businesses successfully at the same time as we love pinball and everything that has to do with it (whether it be collecting, restoring, competing etc.)

To further introduce us to you, please find the core team below. There are more investors involved but these guys are the main group who will be driving Heighway Pinball forward:

Roger Svanevik and Cato Paus-Skrede – Norwegians.
A little about us. We have been together as “brothers” since the 80’s. We started a business together in the fire protection field in the 90’s and built it from the ground up. We also have background in business, computers and programming. We are involved in several businesses and have been involved in building most of them from the ground up. Today we are involved in and run our own businesses in fire protection, software development, construction material production, digital printing and marketing products and game operating. Some of you might have seen us and talked to us around the world on pinball shows as we love pinball.

Daniel Janson – Swedish.
My story with pinball started in a snack bar in the early 80’s. My background is with IT, I am a computer guy who started my own business in 2001, a business that today employs quite some people at a few offices around Sweden. My base skill is software programming and I originally started programming to develop computer games. In 2012 I decided to start a pinball shop since there were none in Sweden at the time. So, I started Free Play which have grown into a business on its own for the last 5 years. We may have met at some pinball show in the past years, possibly in a competition or at the Heighway Pinball booth.

Patrik Tenn – Swedish.
If you ever visit Sweden you need to come by my place, a nice place for pinheads since my pinball collection contains around 100 machines. I started a manufacturing business in the mid-90’s that runs still. My first business was founded already back in 1988. I bring vast experience in the field of manufacturing to Heighway Pinball and knows a lot about how to run a production line efficiently.

Alexander Spohr – German.
I got my first pinball when I was eleven, an Orbit. Since then I founded three companies with different partners, employing more than 150 people. They are still in existence, one is now part of a larger one.
Pinball may be a difficult business. But I am used to tackle problems in my way and overcome them.

We would like to speak to you and ask why you have asked for a refund for Alien. We are straightforward about this and are obviously very interested to know if there is anything that could make you change your mind now that things finally start to get exciting? We do have a solid plan moving forwards which we will share with you on the phone. We sincerely hope you are willing to let us explain our thoughts for the way forward.

Due to increased production cost of Alien since the game was initially announced we want you to know there is a price increase planned in the near future – however, as a pre-order customer you are still entitled to the price you got when placing your pre-order.

We will give you a call in the next few days and are looking forward to a really nice pinball conversation!

Very Best Regards,
The new management of Heighway Pinball

Let me translate...

Hi...we will use the fear of a price increase to prevent you from wanting a refund. Have a nice day...6 guys NONE OF WHICH live in the UK where Heighway is....But we got this!

New Management
I would expect they announce a price increase for anyone not yet on the order list. For better or worse, that would encourage people who are in, to stay in.

No it won't.
Not with this little black duck anyway.
I can't believe they said the price is going up to create fear, amateur's. :(
They didn't :thumbs:
Due to increased production cost of Alien since the game was initially announced we want you to know there is a price increase planned in the near future.
considering there's no production facility to speak of, How long before they move it to Europe? What about the money the Welsh Government put in?
I do wonder what grants were given on the promise of bringing employment to the area.

I imagine there were considerable incentives to setup in Merthyr.
I don't think that one will stay a float either..
Very sad indeed but trying to put a positive spin on it, the guys are pinheads, the guys have vast business experience (successful) and they are trying to push things forward which is surely good for Pinball?

The price increase is inevitable as they were probably too cheap in the first place. I viewed their 'response' as positive. Anyone else?
I would like to know how safe the current deposits are, and even if they tell us they are, do we believe them? Obviously nothing left in the business so the refunds will have to come from new money. Mentioning the price rises at this stage is a bit underhand really, can't see any new customers buying into it now until confidence returns, and that could be a long way off.
I viewed their 'response' as positive. Anyone else?

Agreed. Good communication skills are what Heighway Pinball (as a company) appeared to lack in recent history. I've had no direct dealings, nor am i buying their products - only based on what i watch, hear & read.
Just reading a bit more on pinside and got me wondering. Maybe it's just me but I would never part with money for a product that has never been built or not shipping (not just pinball). You wouldn't pay money up front to a new car manufacturer before they had built their 'new' car. Feel really bad for Andy as met him a number of times and he's a nice guy but don't understand this type of business model.
In hindsight should've built Circes and gone from there. Wasted so much time inbetween Circes and FT. [
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