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Might resonate with you .....

The reactionary Twitter poster seems to have missed that Jonathan Pie is a parody newscaster played by the comedian Tom Walker who lampoons across the political spectrum.

To use him as an example of the ‘political correctness gone mad‘ / ‘you can’t say anything these days‘ fallacy is misguided at best.
Never really understood the concept of the “PC Brigade” and the idea they stop people saying or doing anything. I work in a very pro female, LGBTQ, BAME, ”woke” culture (i think in the whole building there are less than 5 straight white males out of almost 2000 people). In 17 years no one has complained about anything I’ve said and I know I come out with a lot of crap just to wind people up but according to the Daiy Mail I should be living in constant fear of instant dismissal in Tower Hamlets for daring to ask for a “Black coffee”.

I’m sure there are examples of times people have been pulled up on things but most of this crap is media driven. 99% of people have better things to do than get outraged over pointless things.
The only 100% British quality, through and through, is moaning.

Never really understood the concept of the “PC Brigade” and the idea they stop people saying or doing anything. I work in a very pro female, LGBTQ, BAME, ”woke” culture (i think in the whole building there are less than 5 straight white males out of almost 2000 people). In 17 years no one has complained about anything I’ve said and I know I come out with a lot of crap just to wind people up but according to the Daiy Mail I should be living in constant fear of instant dismissal in Tower Hamlets for daring to ask for a “Black coffee”.

I’m sure there are examples of times people have been pulled up on things but most of this crap is media driven. 99% of people have better things to do than get outraged over pointless things.

Exactly that. I'm left to wonder exactly what people think is being denied to them.
The only 100% British quality, through and through, is moaning.

Exactly that. I'm left to wonder exactly what people think is being denied to them.

Discussion. Discussion is what is being denied. The fact that people fear losing their jobs for dissenting from left wing views. You might not have that fear in your industry but if you work in media and entertainment it’s a different story. Brexit has certainly shown that it’s not possible to debate anymore.
Discussion. Discussion is what is being denied. The fact that people fear losing their jobs for dissenting from left wing views. You might not have that fear in your industry but if you work in media and entertainment it’s a different story. Brexit has certainly shown that it’s not possible to debate anymore.
Discuss what?
Nope, total cop out.

I have razing political debates all the damn time, including with work colleagues. Nothing happens.

Give a specific subject that you can't discuss, because that's where this whole discussion actually starts revealing some fact.
Nope, total cop out.

I have razing political debates all the damn time, including with work colleagues. Nothing happens.

Give a specific subject that you can't discuss, because that's where this whole discussion actually starts revealing some fact.

I've already given you a specific example above. Most people in this country voted for Brexit and also voted overwhelmingly for a Conservative government. You certainly wouldn't be admitting to either in the workplace. Instead we have the silent majority. There is no political discussion anymore unless it's with people who agree with you.
worked in the music industry for 12 years before going into teaching, so I’m assuming that was part of the entertainment industry. Unless it’s changed radically it was full of weird independent people with all different types of opinions.

Morrissey still seems to be doing well despite his opinions
worked in the music industry for 12 years before going into teaching, so I’m assuming that was part of the entertainment industry. Unless it’s changed radically it was full of weird independent people with all different types of opinions.

Morrissey still seems to be doing well despite his opinions

Things have changed a lot in the last 3 or 4 years.
Why on earth wouldn't you admit to either voting for Brexit or the Conservatives in the workplace?
I've already given you a specific example above. Most people in this country voted for Brexit and also voted overwhelmingly for a Conservative government. You certainly wouldn't be admitting to either in the workplace. Instead we have the silent majority. There is no political discussion anymore unless it's with people who agree with you.
Then I don't know what to say to you, other than it's just flat-out wrong from what I've seen.

There's a strong difference between a political discussion, debate and the kinds of behaviour that actually get you in trouble with HR departments or the law. Being loudly disagreed with is not 'silencing', it's called hearing the dissent to your ideas that you have to defend instead of just having other people silently tolerate it.

Why on earth wouldn't you admit to either voting for Brexit or the Conservatives in the workplace?
I could think of many, many reasons.

But that of course, is my opinion.

The Shy Tory effect though, is a thing.

The net, twitter storms, cancellation culture ... have changed everything

Nice that we can help each other out with pinball machines in a way we couldn't 20 years ago.

But there is a flip side to that coin. Unruly mobs can form very quickly and cheaply. The old fashioned libel and slander laws can't cope in the digital age
The ability to be openly racist without feelings of guilt?
Funny thing is the guilt ends up the other way .
I can’t be scientific about this but definitely seems to have happened to me more since Brexit vote
Where because I’m white and middle class people think it’s OK to start an openly racist conversation with me in everyday life about a certain ethnic group and what ‘we’ all know what ‘they’ do connected with terrorism or such like , happened to me with a barman in hotel, estate agent showing people of that ethnicity round my house, tradesman fixing something at my house as just a few examples . I’m sick of just mumbling and trying desperately to divert the conversation rather than arguing just in order to avoid a scene and then walking off with ME feeling guilty! The very fact this satirical character gets mistaken as real sums up the situation we are in nicely
The net, twitter storms, cancellation culture ... have changed everything

Nice that we can help each other out with pinball machines in a way we couldn't 20 years ago.

But there is a flip side to that coin. Unruly mobs can form very quickly and cheaply. The old fashioned libel and slander laws can't cope in the digital age
On one level, you're not wrong.

But honestly it's a case of people being ****ing terrible at using the internet. People think things are more private than they really are, and it comes to a deep lack of understanding of how information works and travels on computer networks. The lifers that started on IRC and Usenet, and the kinds of people that work in IT tech now, grasp it a little better, but they're still frequently caught off guard by it.

It's not like the old days were filled with people making abrasive political statements with megaphones to crowds of mixed attendance, now was it? But people seem to be shocked when doing the modern equivalent of just that, causes a bit of friction.
Whats been cancelled that we're all missing so desperately?

Are we talking about Arrested Development because if we are I totally agree.
You're talking about some very high profile criminal cases. What we also have on a smaller scale is people using public platforms like Twitter as a way to 'cancel' people without any intention of going through the legal process and a fair trial. Instead we have a trial by Twitter. That is very wrong. The Alec Holowka suicide during the #metoo campaign is a prime example of this.
You're talking about some very high profile criminal cases. What we also have on a smaller scale is people using public platforms like Twitter as a way to 'cancel' people without any intention of going through the legal process and a fair trial. Instead we have a trial by Twitter. That is very wrong. The Alec Holowka suicide during the #metoo campaign is a prime example of this.
This is a completely valid point, what I said about before about people very poorly adjusting to the online world does cut both ways.

My point is though - people love to mix this up with a nebulous 'PC brigade', as if it wasn't possible to get completely demolished online by the right-wing (famously now being called alt-right.)
well if you challenge someone you become a racist, a homophobe, transphone or other label as a deflection from the facts that you are trying to point out. Amusingly happened to me on this very forum despite a blind man being able to see through the ridiculous response with his cane!

Someone called me a racist for posting a picture of the BLM protests and said blah blah you didn't post anything on VE Day or about the beaches. three clicks is all it would have taken for them to see that in fact I had done and that I'd said that recommending people stayed at home the week before lock down was a mad idea and nobody would do it, that week of stupidity cost the country 10,000 lives.

There is a new type of idiot in this world - "the slacktivist", who narrates a story of alleged personal impact but does nothing of any substance except post on social media, and reads every post you make through the eyes of slacktivism - "I must find things that make me look like I'm fighting the cause! and get the click of life "THE LIKE!" Look at the abuse JK Rolling is getting right now, totally outrageous, and the vast majority are slacktivists.
You call them slacktivists, I call them virtue signallers.

I once got called bigoted because I said I don't agree with cyclists causing mile long tailbacks on narrow country lanes at rush hour.
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As always, be skeptical of anyone that thinks the rapid application of labels and judgement is something that only belongs to one side of the political spectrum.

Look at the abuse JK Rolling is getting right now, totally outrageous
Rowling isn't the best example for that. She's not even a good example. There are far better examples of disproportionate responses - Rowling chooses to be politically active on certain topics and knows what kind of response she is going to get.

I seriously doubt she is troubled by it.
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she won't be, that's exactly the point. yet the slacktivists are too stupid to realise that and waste good bandwidth on pointless ****.

Harry Enfield another one who is getting a kick in from folks today where he specifically went after everyone for humour, now apparently is a racist. He has been misquoted thousands of times today.
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