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Wanted I’m after any of these titles

You got a point! I must admit. And yes it’s about a new expense for the company.

But then leasing one means that you agree to pay the whole 10k plus interest and you would have the same game for 2 years.

Renting means that you can swap the game probably every 3rd month and when you don’t want a pin anymore you just return it.

Beside this there are people paying £1500 rent for a parking space, and 80k/month for a house in Holland Park. Some people can afford more than others. Much more! Those people aren’t on this forum and aren’t obsessed about pinball. It’s just another toy that they would like to try and if they like it they can buy a whole collection without any financial stress on their account.

I know this example is on the other end of the scale but it’s a real one.

So the conclusion would be that there is a customer for everything! Most people wouldn’t do it but some are doing it as we speak.

Who do you think buys pins from The Games Room Company? A Wonka LE for £18000 for example? LOL! The same people that spend £200000/week to charter a yacht… They could buy it for £40mil but then the tax man will want his cut. If they rent, it’s a deductible expense.
Yeah I know people with more money than sense. I know someone who has a mansion in Highgate and buys a new car every time it needs washing. But I suspect the people who spend £18000 on machines from The Games Company are mostly interior designers working for corporate clients. I could be wrong but I don't see a market for £600 per month private pinball rentals. The company I worked for in Stockholm used to rent and rotate 2 to 3 machines at a time, changing them every month. I seem to recall that was the equivalent of £300 per machine back in 2014. But again, that's a tax write off business expense.
Yeah I know people with more money than sense. I know someone who has a mansion in Highgate and buys a new car every time it needs washing. But I suspect the people who spend £18000 on machines from The Games Company are mostly interior designers working for corporate clients. I could be wrong but I don't see a market for £600 per month private pinball rentals. The company I worked for in Stockholm used to rent and rotate 2 to 3 machines at a time, changing them every month. I seem to recall that was the equivalent of £300 per machine back in 2014. But again, that's a tax write off business expense.
That sounds pretty much spot on £300 in 2014. Please remember that a new pin back then was around 5-6k and a used one was close to nothing (compared with today prices). So to get £300/month for a £1.5k-£2.5k was amazing. In 2011 I sold my Twilight Zone for £2050 for example. And TZ is a top title. So, to get today £600/month for a £10000 machine isn’t out of the question compared to your example.
That sounds pretty much spot on £300 in 2014. Please remember that a new pin back then was around 5-6k and a used one was close to nothing (compared with today prices). So to get £300/month for a £1.5k-£2.5k was amazing. In 2011 I sold my Twilight Zone for £2050 for example. And TZ is a top title. So, to get today £600/month for a £10000 machine isn’t out of the question compared to your example.
It's not impossible for a largish company to spend that on employee breakout area perks. But, and this is a big but.......everybody is working from home these days.
I’ve asked a member last year during November, and it certainly had a price of £180/week for a top title (plus shipping). I found that quite steep… I was wondering what anyone paid lately.
I think what you are talking about mate is ‘renting’. We’re talking about ‘loaning’ where you basically do a swap most likely for a limited time with your machine. Or some collectors here have run out of space and sometimes loan out their extra machines to trust worthy members who will take care of them until they are wanted back.
I’ve enjoyed every JJP released to date and I think they have a place in a bigger collection.
I’ve owned TH, WOZ x2 and now a GnR and I’ve enjoyed playing Wonka and DI the times I’ve been lucky enough to find them.
My personal opinion OC. 👍
How would you rate those games in order Col?
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