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Wanted I’m after any of these titles

I’ve asked a member last year during November, and it certainly had a price of £180/week for a top title (plus shipping). I found that quite steep… I was wondering what anyone paid lately.
Wow that’s mad I hire out games to good customers I have know for years and personal friends for £150 a month plus vat min hire 3 months £100 delivery and £100 collection all brand new titles some pro some premium some Le but with the price increase I will probably putting them up a bit
Wow that’s mad I hire out games to good customers I have know for years and personal friends for £150 a month plus vat min hire 3 months £100 delivery and £100 collection all brand new titles some pro some premium some Le but with the price increase I will probably putting them up a bit
Hmm… Super interesting tbh. So including yours, I have 3 offers till now. Extremely different. We have on the high end the £180/week, at the low end your price for £150+Vat/ month and the middle offer for £350/month. It’s clear that there isn’t a standard… Chris, you have the best price by far.
Hmm… Super interesting tbh. So including yours, I have 3 offers till now. Extremely different. We have on the high end the £180/week, at the low end your price for £150+Vat/ month and the middle offer for £350/month. It’s clear that there isn’t a standard… Chris, you have the best price by far.
But that is huo to people I have known for years I don’t really do it on a commercial basis and I certainly wouldn’t do it at that price to go on site
But that is huo to people I have known for years I don’t really do it on a commercial basis and I certainly wouldn’t do it at that price to go on site
So now, it’s clear why the other two offers are at least double than your price… For a machine going to somebody that you don’t know and probably on site, you would definitely charge way more or you wouldn’t do it at all. Probably the last option…
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I was asking this as I have over 15 requests by now to hire games and some are thinking that £100-200/month is a “fair price”. To hire to someone that I’ve never seen before (just because it’s a forum member) at that price I find outrageous. No way in my opinion! It’s “fair” probably for them only…
When lending machines - I guess it depends how well you know the person, and if you think it will be looked after while there. David and I are currently borrowing 2 machines - we paid for transport here, but otherwise we don't pay anything. It's expected that we maintain the machine and keep it in good condition than when it arrived (or better - David enjoys tinkering!). But we are borrowing them from a good friend so it's a personal arrangement rather than a business arrangement.

In future we'd possibly consider doing the same with people we know well and trust, if we run out of space!
I was asking this as I have over 15 requests by now to hire games and some are thinking that £100-200/month is a “fair price”. To hire to someone that I’ve never seen before (just because it’s a forum member) at that price I find outrageous. No way in my opinion! It’s “fair” probably for them only…
All sounds like more trouble than it's worth. (Sorry you 15 people who sent requests to hire games....) I don't think I'd loan but then again I would ask to borrow either. But that's just me.
Right - I guess Chris now you have a location and a business, it changes that dynamic. There's just a lot more perceived risk loaning that way versus loaning (or swapping) a machine between friends.

All probably uncorrelated to how well the machines would actually be looked after in either situation. Its not like you aren't keeping your pins in top condition!

RE: the offers you've received, I'd struggle to blame anyone for naming a price, as like you showed, the range is massive, and it's not like there's an agreed rate or formula for it. So of course everyone is having a guess at what they think might be fair, while not wanting to rip themselves off.
To loan pins to friends, for free, yes, ok. To loan to strangers or people that you barely know for £100-£200/month no way! If we are talking about £400-£600/month, yes it’s not bad. I mean, if I want to hire a simple tool that brand new costs £800, I will be charged with £15/day. That’s £450/month. To rent out a pin that’s £10000 for £15/day I would say it’s quite reasonable. But to do it for £3/day you have to be insane.
Loaning to someone you don’t know has to be looked at as a business transaction, simple as.
There must be a recognized rate for renting/ leasing a pin.
Between friends transport and maintenance should suffice and returned in the same condition.
Lol! Right now, this thread, looks like a movie. From asking if anyone has a few pins for sale, we had so many twists and turns that we ended up in a totally different direction. So, nobody wants to sell any of the titles listed in the first post? Not even a decent offer? I had a few I can say “more than outrageous” offers but as they deserve, they were simply ignored. I mean for example Wonka the famous Chocolatier for £13k???? Or Champion Pub for £8k??? Next!
Lol! Right now, this thread, looks like a movie. From asking if anyone has a few pins for sale, we had so many twists and turns that we ended up in a totally different direction. So, nobody wants to sell any of the titles listed in the first post? Not even a decent offer? I had a few I can say “more than outrageous” offers but as they deserve, they were simply ignored. I mean for example Wonka the famous Chocolatier for £13k???? Or Champion Pub for £8k??? Next!
I would not pay £8k for a Champion Pub...

The JJP pins do seem to go for vast sums of money...
You'd not find one for that price pre-COVID, you might have for around £4.5k depending on condition, you can probably add a grand to that now.
Peter, if you have one for sale at that price, I’m your man. To dream for prices like £2.5 no way. You will keep on dreaming and dreaming. £4.5k it’s a fair price and I would pay that.
Peter, if you have one for sale at that price, I’m your man. To dream for prices like £2.5 no way. You will keep on dreaming and dreaming. £4.5k it’s a fair price and I would pay that.
Sadly, I don't. I enjoy the odd game or two on Champion Pub but never enough to own one. Having played many B/W over the years, the newer Sterns grab my attention these days. as you can see from my signature line (if you're on a computer).
You'd not find one for that price pre-COVID, you might have for around £4.5k depending on condition, you can probably add a grand to that now.

Well consider me wrong! I was waaay off.
I thought it was similar to RS prices. It's not that much better
I was asking this as I have over 15 requests by now to hire games and some are thinking that £100-200/month is a “fair price”. To hire to someone that I’ve never seen before (just because it’s a forum member) at that price I find outrageous. No way in my opinion! It’s “fair” probably for them only…
I think you are spot on there chris just because someone is a forum member doesn’t mean they are not a dick head hence the reason I only do it to people I know well a brand new premium game coming it at 10k now is a big ask for anyone to put out on hire the other problem is with huo if things go sour then getting your game back can be another pain you cant just go in to someone’s home and repo it like in a commercial property
Phil tried this over the first lockdown and it wasn’t worth the hassle it was supposed to be a 3 month thing but after a month people where asking could they swap it with another group member it’s certainly not worth it if you don’t get the 3 month min hire you also have to factor in if it breaks and it’s not local the customer has no idea on how to fix it then 1 call out is one month hire down the shtta
Sadly, I don't. I enjoy the odd game or two on Champion Pub but never enough to own one. Having played many B/W over the years, the newer Sterns grab my attention these days. as you can see from my signature line (if you're on a computer).
I’m with you on this one. I enjoy way more a new pin than the classics.
Well consider me wrong! I was waaay off.
I thought it was similar to RS prices. It's not that much better
David, your R/S went up as well. It’s not £2.5k anymore for quite a while. It’s much more than that.
You'd not find one for that price pre-COVID, you might have for around £4.5k depending on condition, you can probably add a grand to that now.
I remember humming and arring over one on eBay about 12 or so years ago that was £2k, looked HUO and was in Knightsbridge Kensington so a minted person.
Think it had one bid that won it, so gutted now I didn't get it. How times have changed!
I think you are spot on there chris just because someone is a forum member doesn’t mean they are not a dick head hence the reason I only do it to people I know well a brand new premium game coming it at 10k now is a big ask for anyone to put out on hire the other problem is with huo if things go sour then getting your game back can be another pain you cant just go in to someone’s home and repo it like in a commercial property
Phil tried this over the first lockdown and it wasn’t worth the hassle it was supposed to be a 3 month thing but after a month people where asking could they swap it with another group member it’s certainly not worth it if you don’t get the 3 month min hire you also have to factor in if it breaks and it’s not local the customer has no idea on how to fix it then 1 call out is one month hire down the shtta
So true!
I think you are spot on there chris just because someone is a forum member doesn’t mean they are not a dick head hence the reason I only do it to people I know well a brand new premium game coming it at 10k now is a big ask for anyone to put out on hire the other problem is with huo if things go sour then getting your game back can be another pain you cant just go in to someone’s home and repo it like in a commercial property
Phil tried this over the first lockdown and it wasn’t worth the hassle it was supposed to be a 3 month thing but after a month people where asking could they swap it with another group member it’s certainly not worth it if you don’t get the 3 month min hire you also have to factor in if it breaks and it’s not local the customer has no idea on how to fix it then 1 call out is one month hire down the shtta
Payment upfront only if it was me, business is business. Can imagine the hassle from people who don’t know there way around a machine, yeah not worth the hassle😂
I would just like to clarify a few things as this discussion about flipping pins opened up on my post. Last year, I’ve bought around 30 pins on this forum. I would like to mention that I still have all of them. The sellers can check if they want at any time.

So, the pins contained in the list above, are titles that I would love to have in my collection and not pins that I would flip. If I find any of them, in many years to come (if I’m still healthy and alive) they will be keepers.

Not to mention that now, a part of my collection is available to be enjoyed by everyone. I’m not afraid if someone else will touch my machines as I don’t keep them for decoration only (like most of the collectors do). I’ve done that for over 20 years and now I’ve decided it’s time to stop being selfish.
Hope that everyone understands…

For example, a few weeks ago I had someone who visited privately (he didn’t want to rub his shoulders with “others”) telling me that he has 25 pins in his collection and his family can play only 1 of them (one title that he has twice- the good machine is untouchable and the bad one is available for the family). In conclusion, he can play all 25 of them but the family can touch only 1. Beside this, he was extremely proud in saying that none of his friends were ever allowed to play any of his pins. So all of the pins still are in mint condition. Of course all JJP’s are CE, Sterns LE etc. Let’s not turn into this guy.

Pinball it’s not about being obsessed about your pin value (every play, every touch will decrease its value). Pinball it’s not about being afraid of playing your machines because the gameplay counter goes up and it looses value each time you play it.

So let’s enjoy our pins, play them and share them with friends and family (and why not with every pinball lover)
And to add
Me and Alfie help to maintain them.
Chris is a gentleman and a man of his word.
I’m with you on this one. I enjoy way more a new pin than the classics.

David, your R/S went up as well. It’s not £2.5k anymore for quite a while. It’s much more than that.
Well mine was 2.9k in 2019 and a few told me it was overpriced. I've obviously spent at least £300 on it since, maybe £500 but that's Pinball ownership.
Personally I think RS is as 3k game if players condition and on this forum . I know it could sell for a grand more at least on eBay or FB but I can't imagine ever buying or selling on those.
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To loan pins to friends, for free, yes, ok. To loan to strangers or people that you barely know for £100-£200/month no way! If we are talking about £400-£600/month, yes it’s not bad. I mean, if I want to hire a simple tool that brand new costs £800, I will be charged with £15/day. That’s £450/month. To rent out a pin that’s £10000 for £15/day I would say it’s quite reasonable. But to do it for £3/day you have to be insane.
I think loaning out a pin to a complete stranger is risky as hell. Not something I would consider. But I can't see anyone ever paying £400-600 per month to rent a pin, it would be waaaaaay cheaper to just finance one. Hell, you could finance a pretty nice car for that. Most of the population pay that sort of money to rent a house. If you've got a spare £400-600 per month to rent a pin why wouldn't you just buy one? It'd have to be some sort of tax write-off or something.
I think loaning out a pin to a complete stranger is risky as hell. Not something I would consider. But I can't see anyone ever paying £400-600 per month to rent a pin, it would be waaaaaay cheaper to just finance one. Hell, you could finance a pretty nice car for that. Most of the population pay that sort of money to rent a house. If you've got a spare £400-600 per month to rent a pin why wouldn't you just buy one? It'd have to be some sort of tax write-off or something.
You got a point! I must admit. And yes it’s about a new expense for the company.

But then leasing one means that you agree to pay the whole 10k plus interest and you would have the same game for 2 years.

Renting means that you can swap the game probably every 3rd month and when you don’t want a pin anymore you just return it.

Beside this there are people paying £1500 rent for a parking space, and 80k/month for a house in Holland Park. Some people can afford more than others. Much more! Those people aren’t on this forum and aren’t obsessed about pinball. It’s just another toy that they would like to try and if they like it they can buy a whole collection without any financial stress on their account.

I know this example is on the other end of the scale but it’s a real one.

So the conclusion would be that there is a customer for everything! Most people wouldn’t do it but some are doing it as we speak.

Who do you think buys pins from The Games Room Company? A Wonka LE for £18000 for example? LOL! The same people that spend £200000/week to charter a yacht… They could buy it for £40mil but then the tax man will want his cut. If they rent, it’s a deductible expense.
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