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Foo Fighters Announced

This might help restore some balance and harmony, not a surprise this pin is happening, they are just following their mentors and inspiration :-

Neil. If you read what I said about Jack you will see I was having ago about why he just cant use his real name and the fact calling yourself Danger is a little childish.

It would br equally childish if I started to call myself Phil Cool-man.

I actually complimented him.

Yet again. You think Rush are awful, but like the pin. I am the opposite. Neither of us are correct. They are personal opinions. Not law.

I met Dave Grohl three times. First he was a ***. Second and third time he was fine.

I did the sound for Nirvana when they played the uk and supported another seattle band - they played Edwards No8 in brum where I did live sound. Nirvana I would say were awful.

Not a major FF fan. Worked with them on the early UK shows. DG has worked hard. He was great to my pals who recorded in his studio.

Again musically not my thing. I dont turn them off on the radio but I wouldnt choose it to play. But the FF are major Rush fans and guess what machine is now in the studio?
You are now known as phil cool-man Lolol
The Foo has produced some great tracks for sure, though not a Pin I would be interested tbh.

This post made me think of the few music Pins I have played though.

JJP Gun's Roses: too deep for me and I have not a clue whats going on when I play it.

Metallica: Really really great game, but one I would not have in the house for a family friendly game.

Rush: Played at pinfest, my son loves it but who the hell are they and I don't like the music.

Iron Maiden: Great music for sure, a difficult game I played at pinfest but one that could grow on me.

AC/DC: Played this at pinfest, really good I thought but that artwork.

Kiss: As above

Aerosmith: Played this at the Mousetrap in Edinburgh. Cheesy music and a family friendly fun shooter that would be great for visitors.

I haven't played all the music Pins but for sure Aerosmith Pro would my go to pin, especially for people that come visit.

However for me when researching music Pins, Data East's Gun's & Roses looks the best of the bunch.
You forgot Disco Maiden.

More seriously Met and IMDN are the best by a long way. Met you can put into family friendly mode.
I also forgot about the Beatles, would for sure like that before DE G&R. I think that would also be a family favourite with quick ball times for multiplayer ?
I’ve had ACDC prem, IMDN prem, GnR CE and Met prem but one stands head and shoulders above the rest! And that’s Metallica the only one still here. Why?

Best Bash Toy ever, EVER
Stunning Light show
Awesome game sounds.
Super loaded in Prem flavour
Lyman Masterpiece
Easily achievable Wiz mode with risk reward (crank it up)
Flows beautifully
The Hammer lock never gets old and neither does the rising cross in the cemetery.
As for sparky go back to number one then rinse and repeat.

Imagine what it must be like for a true Metallica fan as it’s only 3rd on my list if I chose the pin for the music alone.
That said the music has really grown on me and suits pinball more than any of the aforementioned.
I now choose my fav tracks to start a game and at times find myself head banging. 🤪
rumours are it will have a space / alien / AFM feel and story about it as many of their posters incorporate space / alien stuff and Zombie does alot of their posters in the past.

Not a big fan of Jack Danger personality but thought some of his features in his game which he won homebrew awards on but then it never ran were interesting and we may see some of this in this game sort of like Elwin's Archer becomes Iron Maiden. Wonder if the outlane spinner becomes a thing.


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Well I’m feeling a bit of a dick. I’ve got zero interest in watching pinball twitch streams etc but instantly disliked the idea of someone calling themselves Mr Danger. Automatically assumed he was a total twat (and presumably American) and best avoided at all costs
Guess I owe him a bit of an apology if it is his real name.
I don't get why there's always the same reaction following the announcement of a music pin - there's far more film pins releases, or Marvel pins.

Discounting the older music themed pins, due to them not actually having soundtracks.

Of all the music pins released it was only GnR, Aerosmith, Metallica or the Beatles. I knew their music really well beforehand.

AcDc, Kiss, iron Maiden I knew a couple of songs, but realised I liked their music once I'd played the game.

Rush had to Google to find out about them didn't like the music at all - just found it so boring.

Saying that I would never turn a game on just to listen to the music - who actually uses the jukebox feature?

As for playability, of the actual game.

IMdn, AcDc, Metallica are all fantastic games. Kiss and Aerosmith are virtually the same game, decent but not fantastic. Beatles is limited due to the fact the playfiled is such an old design but a fun game to play.

I just don't get the love for Rush. It just doesnt seem intuitive as to what to shoot, nor any fun to do so with overall it feeling very underwhelming and a chore to play. I've probably put more time in on Rush than any other game I haven't owned, to try and 'get it' but just don't.

JJP GnR looks and sounds great, but doesn't play well for me. I'd love to have it at home to get to know it better.

Alice Cooper doesn't play great and suffers from rules/build inadequacies.

Basically, there are good music pins and bad music pins, the fact that they are music based doesn't define the game.

Looking forward to actually playing FF and making my decision based on that.
Well I’m feeling a bit of a dick. I’ve got zero interest in watching pinball twitch streams etc but instantly disliked the idea of someone calling themselves Mr Danger. Automatically assumed he was a total twat (and presumably American) and best avoided at all costs
Guess I owe him a bit of an apology if it is his real name.

Deadflip was one of the streams I watched on a regular basis and TBH Jack comes across as a very decent stand-up guy and an extremely likeable character. I am sure WYSIWYG and i'd love to be fortunate enough to meet him in RL but who knows it may just happen with Chicago being planned in September.

The beauty of YT and streaming channels in general is the fact you don't have to subscribe to them if you just cant get on with personality or presentation just move along to the next "Them" :p
But to discount a channel/stream purely on what his parents decide to call him seems a bit crazy.

Am I the only one who thinks being called Jack Danger is cool? It could be a lot worse your parents could call you Colin which I think is the most boring name out there :eek:
I’m sure he’s a great guy.

I have yet to find any YT/Streamer that I would want to actively watch on any subject. I think I heard 10 seconds of Kanada and knew it just wasn’t a format for me.

The name just clinched it for me. Kind of like seeing a band T-Shirt with a skull on it. It’s bloody hard to come back from that 😱

I’m struggling to think of many musical geniuses called Collin. I’m sure there must be some.

Names are important. I taught a girl called April,May,June which as she rightly pointed out were all traditional English names but strung together it was super hard to take her seriously 😳
rumours are it will have a space / alien / AFM feel and story about it as many of their posters incorporate space / alien stuff and Zombie does alot of their posters in the past.

Not a big fan of Jack Danger personality but thought some of his features in his game which he won homebrew awards on but then it never ran were interesting and we may see some of this in this game sort of like Elwin's Archer becomes Iron Maiden. Wonder if the outlane spinner becomes a thing.

Haven't seen that before, thanks for sharing. That looks like a SUPER fun layout.
I’m sure he’s a great guy.

I have yet to find any YT/Streamer that I would want to actively watch on any subject. I think I heard 10 seconds of Kanada and knew it just wasn’t a format for me.

The name just clinched it for me. Kind of like seeing a band T-Shirt with a skull on it. It’s bloody hard to come back from that 😱

I’m struggling to think of many musical geniuses called Collin. I’m sure there must be some.

Names are important. I taught a girl called April,May,June which as she rightly pointed out were all traditional English names but strung together it was super hard to take her seriously 😳
Colin Hay from Men at Work is a pretty decent musician.
I seem to remember him being called something else on his earlier streams. Remember him before he had contacts/eye surgery.

If anyone here is friends with him on Facebook

Look at his friends list and see if he has anyone else on that list with the same surname.

It is an extremely rare surname so would be shocked if it is his real name.

Perhaps Danger is his middle name?

On the other hand. I do not really care.

On my first post I actually complemented him.

Phil Cool-guy


Last edited:
So what if he goes by last name 'Danger'. Might be a name he came up with when he got into Pinball or streaming as it stands out. Could be tongue in cheek.
Incidentally, how dangerous is he?

Is it actually danger or just clumsiness? Did he accidentally spill a can of Irn Bru on one of his pinball machines?

Maybe he didn't anoint himself 'Danger' . . . . . perhaps just and old nickname given to him by his school mates?
Incidentally, how dangerous is he?

Is it actually danger or just clumsiness? Did he accidentally spill a can of Irn Bru on one of his pinball machines?

Maybe he didn't anoint himself 'Danger' . . . . . perhaps just and old nickname given to him by his school mates?

Not sure anyone would let him play their games if his name was ‘Jack Clumsy’!
I seem to remember him being called something else on his earlier streams. Remember him before he had contacts/eye surgery.

If anyone here is friends with him on Facebook

Look at his friends list and see if he has anyone else on that list with the same surname.

It is an extremely rare surname so would be shocked if it is his real name.

Perhaps Danger is his middle name?

On the other hand. I do not really care.

On my first post I actually complemented him.

Phil Cool-guy


Instead of Facebook stalking him via his friends list you could and bear with me here this is a crazy one, just ask him? :hmm:
I’ve had ACDC prem, IMDN prem, GnR CE and Met prem but one stands head and shoulders above the rest! And that’s Metallica the only one still here. Why?

Best Bash Toy ever, EVER
Stunning Light show
Awesome game sounds.
Super loaded in Prem flavour
Lyman Masterpiece
Easily achievable Wiz mode with risk reward (crank it up)
Flows beautifully
The Hammer lock never gets old and neither does the rising cross in the cemetery.
As for sparky go back to number one then rinse and repeat.

Imagine what it must be like for a true Metallica fan as it’s only 3rd on my list if I chose the pin for the music alone.
That said the music has really grown on me and suits pinball more than any of the aforementioned.
I now choose my fav tracks to start a game and at times find myself head banging. 🤪
Spot on Col 👍🏻 and yes, for a Metallica fan since about '89 it's a dream come true :)

Not to derail the thread, but anyone know if there's been more talk of a MET remake?; only game I think I'd consider selling my Halloween for at this point (or for an Orignal LE/Prem)

Back on track, I'd prefer if they'd just made a Dave Grohl pin. That way, could've had Nirvana and QOTSA tracks on aswell.
Wizard mode could've been Dave going to parties, being everyone's best buddy etc....
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