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Foo Fighters Announced

Remeber the Kaneda comments on here not so long ago, some not too kind. When he turned up to defend himself there was crickets and even offers to go to the pub with him 🙄
Wonder if same will happen if JD makes an appearance….lol
Personally think both dudes are ok.
Jack is more than welcome. If he was in a bar I would buy him a drink but I would ask him ‘what is with the danger carp?’

Just out of interest it is not his real surname.

Phil Cool-guy
I don't get why there's always the same reaction following the announcement of a music pin - there's far more film pins releases, or Marvel pins.

Discounting the older music themed pins, due to them not actually having soundtracks.

Of all the music pins released it was only GnR, Aerosmith, Metallica or the Beatles. I knew their music really well beforehand.

AcDc, Kiss, iron Maiden I knew a couple of songs, but realised I liked their music once I'd played the game.

Rush had to Google to find out about them didn't like the music at all - just found it so boring.

Saying that I would never turn a game on just to listen to the music - who actually uses the jukebox feature?

As for playability, of the actual game.

IMdn, AcDc, Metallica are all fantastic games. Kiss and Aerosmith are virtually the same game, decent but not fantastic. Beatles is limited due to the fact the playfiled is such an old design but a fun game to play.

I just don't get the love for Rush. It just doesnt seem intuitive as to what to shoot, nor any fun to do so with overall it feeling very underwhelming and a chore to play. I've probably put more time in on Rush than any other game I haven't owned, to try and 'get it' but just don't.

JJP GnR looks and sounds great, but doesn't play well for me. I'd love to have it at home to get to know it better.

Alice Cooper doesn't play great and suffers from rules/build inadequacies.

Basically, there are good music pins and bad music pins, the fact that they are music based doesn't define the game.

Looking forward to actually playing FF and making my decision based on that.
Again at risk of derailing (sorry), I play music pins entirely on location - so it's rare I can actually hear the music to like or dislike it. And I doubt I would choose a pin based entirely on whether I like the music (or else I'd be looking to buy the Queen pin).

@Neil McRae's Disco Maiden is a thing of coolness and beauty because Elwin + cheesy pop = great pin. Metallica is great B/W-era-style fun (and looks good). ACDC looks rubbish but plays well.

I actually like the music on The Beatles and am a huge fan of 80s SS pinball machines, so would consider buying one if we had the space, I could find one, and it wasn't £10k+ for a glorified Seawitch.

Alice Cooper sounds, looks and plays great if you like tighter shots. I have literally spent most of an afternoon playing it. Along with TNA 2.0, it's sold me on Spooky (even The Jetsons isn't *that* bad TBH).

JJP GnR is sadly a triumph of style over substance. It looks and sounds like a pop concert. It plays like... well... the target audience isn't me. The insert lighting makes it impossible to know what's going on and the designers were a bit "OOOHHH, MULTIBALL". I watched some damn good players taking on the one at Medway Pinball Club yesterday, and it didn't get any better seeing it being played well and for long periods. Neither does it improve after learning the rules (I've been taught the rules and watched a tutorial video). It seems like it's designed for wholly casual play by GnR fans - a task at which it succeeds amiably - but, if you want to actually focus on playing pinball, it's a pretty grim experience.
Outwith Pinball Heaven where is the next best place to order one of these?
I don't think it's on the website yet, email him if you want to order

I did, well actually messaged him Friday. Not going to air any drama but I am allowed to order on the website tomorrow which is fine guess… his business, his rules etc.

Just hoping there is an LE available and the U.K. pricing isn’t to crazy haha.

I did, well actually messaged him Friday. Not going to air any drama but I am allowed to order on the website tomorrow which is fine guess… his business, his rules etc.

Just hoping there is an LE available and the U.K. pricing isn’t to crazy haha.


Given the theme, I think you will be just fine! 😂😂
I’m in on this!
I know you’re in on most pins @Neil McRae but are you in on this For the music or have you seen something you like.
I’ve high hopes on the layout and TBH as so much good feedback has came off his JP homepin.
Mr Dangerous that is.
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I did, well actually messaged him Friday. Not going to air any drama but I am allowed to order on the website tomorrow which is fine guess… his business, his rules etc.

Just hoping there is an LE available and the U.K. pricing isn’t to crazy haha.

You can not order something that has not been released officially.

As he is a UK dealer of Stern he has to play by certain rules.
I’ve always though FF have very few recognisable songs considering how long they have been going. I’ve never seen them live but I gather of fair chunk of their set is covers. (That might just be some ******** ive read though). I suspect they are far bigger than I credit them as given the size of the tribute shows last year.

They tend to do a couple of covers, often with the original artist guesting but normally play 2-3 hour sets, so there’s plenty of time for tons of their own material. Some of the best gigs I’ve ever been to. MK Bowl in 2011 was epic

😂 me too, didn’t have a clue! And at 48 3/4 I thought I was relatively clued up on older bands.

They are still releasing new music and touring so they’re pretty current. I suspect timing of this release was affected by Taylor’s death last year - wasn’t sure they’d continue after that given he was such a key part of the sound.

You can not order something that has not been released officially.

You have clearly never spoken to a Porsche dealer when a new GT is rumoured to be approaching ;)

Definitely in for this one, set list looks good, a couple of other tracks I’d have liked (Rope, Skin and Bones and Cold Day in the Sun) but pretty much all the bigger tracks are there. The trailer looks like they’ve put work into the theming, so looking forward to the reveal stream
Breakout is my favourite FF song, wasn’t sure they’d put it on as they don’t often play it at gigs these days. Very interested for the reveal now
So here is a thread where we can talk about foo fighters and not have to ask each other what happened to the thread.

Here are some assets released - I'm in on an LE; you'll find out why later today :D

yeah but i keep getting folks asking me if the thread was deleted. Those sub forums aren't useful for pre-release hype and nobody can find them.
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