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EBay auctions 2016

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As someone here is bidding then I'm out.

Moose I can see that in your place with a customised target of a large Moose head on the wall, only question is will spit water at you or will it have a voice?

I'm sure your doing this for NLP Crew and not just for yourself!

Well done :clap::clap::clap:
I just like unusual **** lol. I like the idea of trailerising it.
It also keeps @DrPinball busy with my insane ideas. Good job hes a great mate.
If you look at the website, these thing cost big dollars. Maybe 20 large new.
It would be nice all done up, on a trailer if possible so that it could be taken around the shows and different events to raise money for charity!

That's what I'd like to do with it, but it's too far away for me. Not only that but if I got it I can see that I'd loose my wife, or some body parts if she didn't kick me out!

Just out of intrest any ideas how wide it is?

I've got the space but no idea of how it works. How easy would it be for replacement parts?
Group buy ?
Pan Amusements are based in Oldham so could be good for the NLP boys.

But I'd still like to give it a go, just brings back good memories.
I thought I bought all the weird junk! Shooting galleries don't come up often but this is too new to appeal to the real hardcore showman collectors . Those that pay big bucks for waltzer cars and dodgem cars so you might snag at first bid
Is anybody on here selling the spiderman on ebay finishing in 1/2 day?
There is something weird about the ad. It doesn't appear with all the other ones and i don't know why. Seller might be missing out.
Is anybody on here selling the spiderman on ebay finishing in 1/2 day?
There is something weird about the ad. It doesn't appear with all the other ones and i don't know why. Seller might be missing out.
The one for £3750 ?
Yes that one. I search ebay for 'pinball' and sort the items by price from high to low. That tends to bring up all the machines at the top. But this one never appears and i don't know why.
Don't get me wrong. Didn't think there was anything dodgy. Only thought that he might be missing on people seeing his ad if other people do the same as me when reviewing what's on ebay. I was trying to help him.
That'd be a bargain. A pinball machine weighs about 120kg, and with gold prices as they are (about £33 a gram) I'd expect to pay in the region of £4 million for a pin made of solid gold.

I might make him a cheeky lowball £2.5M offer for it.
You so moneysupermarket you don't even Know it !
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yep my brain and heart said stop bidding at £600 last time and it sold for £620

nice em and far rarer than Sindbad but still an EM
Probably worth it if all members of Survivor are hiding in the cab ready to burst into chorus every time you hit a spinner.

Its got to be a wind up. The description coupled with the brutally honest photos is a masterstroke with gems such as "minimal wear to the paint"..."It was running smoothly 2 years ago"...and the best bit at the end... "eBay won't let me list it for over £500 but the actual asking price is £2100. Open for some negotiation."

Best laugh I've had in ages. Congrats whoever put it together :rofl:.
I sense the force is pants with this one.

I feel this is gonna hit landfill. :-( Completely unrealistic description vs expectations...

I really hope it is a windup because even at the £500 it woul be expensive as a machine, worth it for parts *IF* anything actually works on it
Yes there was, I think it was someone on ukvac or Jamma+ that bought it.
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