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Battlefield 3

Back to Karkand is awesome
Did some crazy chopper flying over Wake Island the other night but pretty much anytime on BF3 now is spent on Strike. Only thing is, I'm having to get used to the fact that you can't hide out in buildings and behind walls anymore....total destruction!
I do like the B2K maps - nice to be back
Although to be honest I almost feel like I know them *too* well - I know they are actually very different to BF2 in lots of ways - but you know what I mean . In a weird way its made me actually appreciate some of the new maps more - love op Firestorm, Kharg Island, Caspian Border, Grand Bazaar.They just feel fresher. I played the BF2 maps a gazillion times. They are still awesome - dont get me wrong.

Damn this game is so frickin great !!! (just needs commo rose overhaul, VOIP, and commander
but I'm sure some or all of that is coming)
Needed to come up with a present list fast so asked for a computer game... BF3 sprang to mind (can't think why)... So come Xmas day I find I an now an owner of BF3 software for the PC, however this one is using XP (not supported) and the laptop we have (uses Vista) doesn't have the required processor! Hmm, might have to invest some readies in a new computer before I can do battle with you guys...!!!
Had a LOT of reaaally good games since the b2k pack came out. Best teamplay game ever!

Since sandy bridge and sandy bridge 'E' came out, a lot of the older 1st gen core i7 stuff is stupidly cheap. You can buy a VERY good system based on the 1st gen stuff for well under £500. I built a system for a friend recently with parts bought from ebay for a paltry £340. The specs of the machine were:

1st gen i7 920 @ 3.8ghz (board, ram, cpu = £170!!!)

6gb 1600mhz ram

Nvidia gtx560 (£120)

1TB harddrive (£20)

750w psu (£30)

BF3 performance for a machine like this at 1080p resolutions is around 35-45fps with everything set to 'high'. (4-5000 3dmark11 score) If you want more than that performance wise, you can always add another card at a later date.

For those that want the absolute finest BF3 experience for a decent(ish) price SLI (2x graphics cards or more) is the way to go. I use 2x gtx580's (10-12500 3dmark11 score)with a very similar setup as described above and a 27" 3D monitor with the active shutter glasses. This setup plays the game on ultra settings at 60-80fps and is smooth as silk.

Now, a BF3 inspired pinball machine? hmmmm... maybe not...haha..
Rus121' date=' post: 1689741 said:
Now, a BF3 inspired pinball machine? hmmmm... maybe not...haha..

Heck they did a Big Buck Hunter game ....why not BF3 or COD ?? Arguably waaaay more recogniseable theme than BBH. How many millions of players now ????

I reckon its time we had a war themed pinball ..... BOOM ! I can see it now ....with the epic BF music playing
Guddler' date=' post: 1690028 said:
Hang on, 2xGTX580's ?? Really? That's £700 worth of graphics cards!

Yes. Although i didnt buy them both at the same time. The first i had to get after my gtx280 died. The second had to be bought a few months later after i realised i couldnt play the game in 3d smoothly enough in full ultra detail settings (which sucked because nvidia forgot to mention that little bit of golden information).
Agreed. Mine is running just on a single alright mid range card. Seems fine on just high settings. But bet it is glorious in ultra with all that power

I'm chuffed cos I finally made the officer ranks yesterday ! Warrant Officer GrizZ reporting for duty :cool: Nowhere near the giddy ranks and stats (wow) of Russ but still I'm happy Such a great game.
I tend to want outright speed over graphical quality and when using the full 'ultra' settings theres just too much going on for my brain to comprehend. I love 3d as it makes you feel like your head is in the monitor, but again, all that extra 'stuff' going on really hinders your ability to target victims as quick as you could looking at a flat, 2d surface.

For those reasons, i mostly go for settings on 'high' and at 120hz (which all nvidia 3d monitors support) with shadows on 'low'. Anistropic filtering and multi sampling are all at the highest possible settings so as to smooth out the jagged pixel lines (looks nice, and helps picking out targets).

Theres a nice little command you can write in the console (tilde key above 'tab' on most keyboards) that lets you view your framerate in real time. The command is: 'render.drawfps true' your fps will appear in the top right hand side of your screen in green numbers. type: 'render.drawfps false' to turn it off (type without the quote marks).

Anyway, two gtx580's will use close to 700w whilst gaming (am about to find out how much extra its costing me...gulp). All that heat has to go somewhere and currently i have it burning my shins after a 4hour gaming session. Both cards reach a silly 85-90c each! So, more cash needed for a water cooling setup that will void my 2year warranty which is around the life expectancy of these beasts anyway. Guess they forgot to mention that too....Grrr.

All that said I havent been this addicted to a game since...well....BF2...haha.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgh ........just had killer rnd, owning in tank in the tunnel in D Peak
........ got enough points to promote me to Colonel ...yay at last my wings !!!........rnd ends and game ****ing crashes in the stats screen and disconnects me :mad: All pnts lost. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ronsplooter' date=' post: 1690408 said:
Saw you on the battlefield for a brief time the other night, soon to be Colonel GrizZ

Yes Chris ...we keep missing each other ! Will have to settle in for a good few rnds soon. I'll be on tonight but not till midnightish ....post gig too - beer fuelled BF is always fun !
Yes Chris ...we keep missing each other ! Will have to settle in for a good few rnds soon. I'll be on tonight but not till midnightish ....post gig too - beer fuelled BF is always fun !

Definitely Ive
Not sure whether I'll be able to get on that late tonight though. I see you've got a platoon setup, I've just set one up for the lads at work who play. We'll have to get the South Coast Spec Ops and Reuters Delta Force on the same server sometime!
All the points that you receive within the game as you play is automatically updated through BF3 sonar (an add on which runs in the background with battlelog) If the game crashes, you should still get your wings.
Rus121' date=' post: 1690421 said:
All the points that you receive within the game as you play is automatically updated through BF3 sonar (an add on which runs in the background with battlelog) If the game crashes, you should still get your wings.

Cheers Russ - well def didn't get them as of this mornin .The game hung on the stats screen , then I got disconnected notice and then it said Server has disappeared or something when I frantically tried to reconnect

Oh well ....c'est la vie...annoying at the time. Ranked up just now anyway. :cool:
Paul' date=' post: 1690431 said:
And me - Vodka Redbull On the go - think i might dig out the MW3...

Paul someone posted this FIX and it worked for me ....

Go to Origin WHEN/IF you can get it to FINALLY come up.

Open Battlelog in a browser.

Go to Origin and click the little GEAR icon and set yourself OFFLINE.

Go back to Battlelog and join a server.

I assume they will provide some proper fix for the issue. Who knows. Its working again now using this quick fix which basically seems to take Origin out of the equation (??) but I know loads of people cant get on. Stupid computers.
Really does my box in when origin flakes out like that. It pains me to be tied into a service that is connection dependant just to start the game. Loads of reasons why though; Piracy, advertising, money, exposure, blah, blah, blah..etc...

What makes it worse is when you REEAAAALLLY wanna play and it just denies you at every turn.... Thank christ for my room full of pins...
After my punkbuster problems the other day I'm happy to have dodged this Origin bullet. Had a couple of games this morning and all seems well on the battlefield.
ronsplooter' date=' post: 1690456 said:
After my punkbuster problems the other day I'm happy to have dodged this Origin bullet. Had a couple of games this morning and all seems well on the battlefield.

I read an update from Origin earlier that said the problem had been identified and service should be returning to normal over the next few hours
Just found out, not sure if you already knew. If you shoot mines with your pistol, or use the repair gun on them (briefly), they change to your teams. Saves time blasting them with c4 or your tank and will earn you points.

I assume you all know about pressing "q" to spot before you shoot too. I'm amazed at how many people don't do this......so annoying if no one in your squad does it.
Well, after a weekend of Battlefield, I've experienced the following: -

1. I was reported for being abusive. Using the C word etc....granted I was winding the guy up but I never EVER use that kind of language in chat. Anyway, he started it and I got the better of him in gameplay. Turns out he ended up getting banned.
2. The above player then wanted to settle it by meeting up, threatening there'd be only one outcome.
3. The following day, I get taunted by another player. I get the better of him and he then starts abusing me saying I have no job, no life, no money etc...
4. I then make another "friend" who wants to rape me!
5. I constanlty get called a noob for using a shotgun. Hey, it's close quarters battle I'm interested in. You brought the wrong weapon and I'm the noob? Eat my DAO :)

On a brighter note, I got myself some DICE developer tags :)

And who said the online world was a great place to make friends?

Think I'll go play monopoly.....
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