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Battlefield 3

Starting to get a little bored with it now. It just feels like a real meatgrinder session every time you play.....

I got pretty good at the game (spent far too much time on it), but a lot of the time its very frustrating as the people playing it are now all clued up. (noob injection has wore off)

I really hope the maps in back to karkand are identical to the BF2 version, or i may end up using my BF3 dvd's as frisbees...........
noob injection has wore off

You should play on the same servers as me, I'm crap....you'd get loads of kills

I'm still loving it tbh but that may be because I'm not exactly racking up many points so I've still got loads to unlock.
Ive - Had a few games on the Bullet Sponges 24/7 server that you added to your fav's recently. OMG......all.....out........carnage
Its on my favs list now as well.......good pick Sgt.
OK ....been playing a bit more now ....and now getting the feel of it - I FRICKIN LOVE IT !! For all the flaws - it is still utterly awesome. Still gazing in awe at the graphics. I wish I could have shown a glimpse of gaming in the future to my 12 year old self

I am even getting used to the mini map
...and not getting picked off quite so easily now.

Best maps - Kharg Island, Caspian Border, Grand Bazaar, Seine Crossing

OK - Canals, Tehran

Not impressed - Metro, Peak
Yep loving it too. Just unlocked the heat scope. You spend that much time looking through it though you end up with hardly any kills!
jonathan' date=' post: 1688549 said:
Yep loving it too. Just unlocked the heat scope. You spend that much time looking through it though you end up with hardly any kills!

Yeah - some of the unlocks are like that. When you first get them you are obsessed with the new toy. They all have their uses but you have to remember the game has to be designed so that more advanced players with all the gadgets can't dominate noobs *too* much.

I recently got the mortars unlocked - at first tempting to get it out and try to rain hell on everything. But quickly realised its better brought out now and again to swiftly despatch a camping tank/vehicle or sniper.

Best vehicle unlock I have had is the zoom optics on the tank - this really gives you the upper hand in tank battles. Especially great on darker maps/tunnels .......where you can hang back relatively out of sight and yet still unleash death on the poor bloody infantry
I'm hopeless with jets and choppers btw. It seems every other player has heat seekers unlocked!
Still playing lots of BF3 at the mo. Even setup a server (>>b2b* born2bash 1200 tickets) with some mates i battle with, so come on down.... (i have full admin rights so drop me a line via battlelog if the server is full and i'll make some room for you guys)

The game comes into its own when played with like minded folk wholly committed to teamplay....
Maps in current rotation are:

Metro - i hate it, but other members love it....(good way to rank up with medic or support at least if you can avoid the spam fest)

Seine - hate that too, but again its there due to others enjoyment of it.

Caspian - Awesome map, probably my fav.

Op Firestorm

Grand bazaar

All on 'conquest-large' game mode at the mo....

See you on the battlefield!
Sounds great. They recently added the ability to kick squad members if you're the leader of the squad. Makes getting mates together in a squad, much easier.
Okay soldiers ....anyone updated with todays patch release ???? Any issues ??

Only asking as I'm reading some horror stories about peoples BF3 being fubar after the update :eek:

I know you always hear this , and I know the update is unavoidable...and a good thing ...I'll be doing it later when I log in...just wondering

Sgt GrizZZZZ

Updated .....good to go
Not done it yet, and won't be getting in the battlefield tonight......so I guess I'll find out from you whether it's knackered things or not
ALl good here too. No issues whatsoever. Well, apart from the patch doing naff all as far as i can see??
Welllllll .......Apart from the fact that you now don't get immediately assigned to a squad - you can pick and choose. Major plus !

There have been a shedload of weapon damage adjustments etc - though I suspect it will be pretty tough to tell differences unless you know them ridiculously well.

They still badly need to get the onboard VOIP again though
I'm sure it will happen.
Reeeeallly need the karkand expansion. Bored to DEATH with these maps.....(apart from caspian and firestorm)......

Roll on sometime in december...hehe....
Yeah, i have probabaly played way too much, too soon. At 100+ hours myself.....:oops:

That said, i played karkand back on BF2 for well over 1000 hours before i even thought about getting bored....

Maybe i'm getting old, but all this new graphical 'stuff' really just serves to mess up my aim. The suppression 'wobble' does my head in, the hitboxes are so random at medium to long range i end up shooting all over the place, and ultimately dying. Lots....

Plodded through the co-op with a mate on 'easy'. It was pretty entertaining but when i realised i had to do it all over again many many times just to get my hands on the SG553(a weapon i get killed with all the time) it quickly became old.....(but i WILL get that friggin' weapon!)

All i need is karkand and sharqi. Although i suspect lots of flying mist and toilet paper will be added for dramatic effect.....haha.
Just reading that Dice have confirmed that VOIP will be added in upcoming patch, along with further Squad management refinements. So basically putting back in essential parts of the game from BF2 !!! Good news....but you do wonder why the feck they left them out to begin with
Spotted you in our server tonight Ive. Also noticed you didnt stay long. Maybe that was because we were getting ass raped into oblivion?....LOL...

I was setting up my 3d setup when you came in so i wasnt at my best for sure. Cant seem to play full of stella's....haha...
They are limiting the river crossing to rush only for now. I expect that to be changed after the masses start screaming at them to change it back to how it was originally. Why must they 'tweak' something that worked brilliantly the first time round. Damn them......
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