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In Progress Bally Vector

I love the hand written drop targets,I guess todd was doing "pimps" even back then
Admittedly no, @stevebm1 but I will! They all need to be cleaned anyway and I've got a big bag of caps and diodes at the ready too.

Ok, just done the switch test. All ok, as in no stuck switches. Some are a bit iffy though. The right-hand drop-targets on all three banks (both DEFENDERS and X-Y-Z) are not as sensitive as the middle and left. The rollover on the upper playfield has to be pressed firmly in the middle.

I've got a feeling the dodgy drops are due to crappy caps and/or diodes plus maybe a bit of mechanical sensitivity. The "THUNK" of hitting a drop-target may be triggering a neighbouring target.
Everything I know about VECTOR I learnt from Todd ;)

I also discovered that TNT Amusements is 30 miles from the office I go to in the US, and that the http://silverballmuseum.com/ is 40 miles the other way!

I keep pestering my boss to say I'm long overdue a visit for some more training or something ;)
On hols so not sure whether it starts a 2 or 3 ball multiball. You need to hit hype in order to start multiball on all balls apart from the last one. You can shoot hype in any order on the last ball, which makes your last ball a big scorer on vector.
Another small victory tonight. Finished off overhauling the main right-hand flipper.

Out with the old and in with the new. Bye-bye bushing, sleeve, coil stop and Nyliner. Just look at the state of that coil stop! Rusted and mushroomed to buggery! Amazingly the plunger tip was fine:


Here's the baseplate. All the metalwork cleaned, linear plunger polished, new Nyliner and bushing fitted, EOS contacts burnished, new coil sleeve, coil cleaned and refitted with connections away from the coil stop:


And at the other end new coil stop bracket (extra chunky type) bolted down proper with machine screws and Nyloc nuts:


Baseplate screwed back on the playfield, armature attached to flipper shaft (remember to use gap tool!), EOS switch adjusted to break open just at the final few degrees of travel with a good 3mm gap at the end:


And the result? KAZPOW! New high score first game and I nearly made multi-ball twice!

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After a busy weekend at NLP (Northern Lights Pinball) VECTOR finally succumbed to failure at around 3pm pon Sunday afternoon. There's some fault on the switch matrix with at least four switches not registering: ball trough 1, 2 and 3, and the slam by the tilt bob.

I needed to open up the playfield today (cabinet is still tombstoned) to check the part number on the transformer for @astyy and when I did this plopped out into the bottom:


I haven't been able to work out where it's from. Looks like a pin that holds the links on a drop-target reset coil.

Requires further investigation...
@Nedreud It's from one of the drop target mechs. It holds the plastic drop target to the metal arm that slot's into the bottom of the frame. You should also look for the little clip that's fallen off the other side :thumbs:
You could well be right @ronsplooter as I thought one of the drop targets looked wonky when packing up at NLP. I'm kinda hoping it somehow got jammed in a switch somewhere causing my switch matrix problem. Need to get VECTOR back on its legs but I want to install false ceiling in summerhouse this weekend and that will be easier with pins out of the way.
Full marks @ronsplooter. The mystery part was indeed a retention pin from the bottom of a drop-target. In this case from the centre upper Defender. Can't find the other e-clip but my VECTOR has a big hole the bottom so it probably dropped out when tombstoned.


Another post-NLP casualty. Cracked coil stop on the upper-left mini-flipper:


And after meticulously testing all the switches in order this little blighter finally popped out. Wire had come off the end of the daisy-chain of the 3 trough switches which is why all of them were failing to register. This is what took VECTOR out of action at around 3pm on Sunday afternoon at NLP.

All work on VECTOR is on hold for the time being as it's gone on holiday to sunny Basingstoke for a sabbatical with @astyy! I need to clear some space so I can finally finish decorating the inside of my summerhouse and it will also help @astyy as a reference and test bed for his VECTOR project. Weighing up a couple of options for GOLD BALL to go somewhere else too, which will give me loads of room!

This means I'll have no working pins, which is another part of my plan... SPACE + NO PLAYING = PULL FINGER OUT AND FIX PARAGON!

I'll have room to do the restoration of my ASTRO FIGHTER concktail cabinet too ;)
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You're making great progress on this Nedreud. Keep up the good work!

Just wanted to mention that Chris Hutchens (Mr 'High End Pins' in the States) is also currently working on a Vector. You may find his progress interesting

A word of advice though. He has a habit of restricting access to historical photos, so save and archive any that you think might be useful
very nice thanks for the link
looks like he just replaces every thing with new not for me
ok if you got unlimited funds:)
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