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A new arrival in the Tiki Hut : Freddy, a Nightmare on Elm Street!


i like pizza
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
the revolving door is spinning faster now, although admittedly they are mostly coming rather than going still - i'll have to have a clearout soon.

anyway, my new resident is a game i'd never seen before, but liked the sound of - Gottlieb's Freddy, a Nightmare on Elm Street. This means the Tiki Hut now has a Bally, two Willliams, a Stern and a Gottlieb in it. it was pretty cheap and had most recently been living with The Legend, so i knew it was gonna be basically ok.


as you can see, it's nice and colourful and has a big scary head in the middle of the playfield, which is always a good thing. sorry, did i say playfield? i meant to say playboard. this playboard also has some drop targets, a (bashed-in) boiler room, a movable glove thingy that has snapped-off claws, and a nice metal claw rake that comes up between the flippers.


that moveable hand doesn't seem to move at the minute, but maybe i just haven't worked it out yet. there is an extra button by the right flipper button so maybe that does it during some mode or something.


i have no idea of the rules so i need to go and read up. it looks from the pictures like it's something to do with falling asleep and getting power and having nightmares and stuff like that. i suppose i should go and watch the film again, it will probably help with understanding the rules.


i discovered the diagnostics button - very different to what i'm used to, as this is my first Gotty - and worked my way through the solenoids and flashers and relays, and everything seemed to work or to make a noise, although that glove didn't have an associated coil in the menu, which was odd. anyone know about that? i will go and download the manual (if i can find it), maybe it will be in there as well.

so that's what i'll be doing for the next little while, it's pretty filthy so as a minimum it will need a good clean and new rubbers and new coil sleeves and end stops and maybe a flipper tweak. i'd better start by putting new batteries in (not the ones from a Christmas cracker) and checking all the fuses and seeing if i can get into the settings and adjustments to reset high scores and put a custom message on and turn the volume way up. it has an annoying feature of completely killing all power when the coin door is open - not just the coil power like on Bally Williams games, but all power - so i have to prop the playfield up and press the buttons with the door closed. what do people do about that, do they tape the door button down or something, or is there a simple shortcut?


my first impression from half an hour on it yesterday is that it looks like fun. those Gotty flippers will take some getting used to, but the Freddy speech callouts are very entertaining and a bit scary so i'm well pleased. any tips, hints, links to the manual, spare parts or artwork or opinions etc welcomed.

You never saw the "nightmare on Elm Street" series of films?? Scared the Bejesus out of me when i was much younger!! Looking really dated now, however they were THE scary films of my childhood!! :)
Have actually only played it once or twice at a show years ago. Have little recollection of it so don't really have an opinion.

I look forward to playing it when/if it is at Wills, thats if there is time to get a game in before he starts crying like a baby , demands it gone and flips it :eyebrows:
First problem:

I reset factory settings to do some tweaking and now can't get free play. I googled it and found that I need to put tournament mode on but can't find that option and slider missing from board by the door. Any tips?


I'm thinking of trying to short that tournament thingy with a screwdriver.
You never saw the "nightmare on Elm Street" series of films?? Scared the Bejesus out of me when i was much younger!! Looking really dated now, however they were THE scary films of my childhood!! :)

the recent freddy remake is pretty good
First problem:

I reset factory settings to do some tweaking and now can't get free play. I googled it and found that I need to put tournament mode on but can't find that option and slider missing from board by the door. Any tips?

View attachment 1720

I'm thinking of trying to short that tournament thingy with a screwdriver.

Yep, start the machine with tournament selected then it will give you a menu which allows freeplay to be selected.

To leave the game on when the coin door is open pull the lower white button out of the two door interlock buttons.

I'd unfasten the pcb (so that you can see the back of it) and short it but for a long term fix put a new slider switch in! Alternatively ask on here if anyone has a spare PCB...
That little board

And the back

Someone has previously been in there, maybe because the slider has fallen off, and soldered something. I don't have the manual or schematics and even if I did, wouldn't know how to interpret this solder - can anyone help?

I have some wire ready to make a bridge to try to enable tournament mode but will need some assistance of what to connect up to what
That's what I was thinking - but if its on then its not showing up the free play so I think it's not working

Since the volume thingy is also missing its post, maybe my best option is a new little board thingy. If you point me in the right direction I will look for one.
It was indeed on free play before I did the factory reset. That solder is a good bridge, I buzzed it at the pins.

Curiouser and curiouser said Alice
And yr doing this ....


Open the coin door look just inside to the left there is a small circuit board with a switch marked "tournament". Switch this to "on".
Use the left flipper to select "free play", and the right flipper to change "on/off" to "on".
Close the coin door and Freeplay is in effect.

Oh ....and just a thought - is there another option in the regular menus for Tournament mode that also has to be toggled maybe????

...and the coin door/switch def open ...

I want this sorted !!!
I even called him up to check he had buzzed the pins. Come on Dan, tell us it is fixed...

Hold on, I have a project of my own. Bye. :rockon:
Nice one dan that looks great.... I may have to restart the shed project as it appears you are becoming my feeder :)
Bollo_cks it didn't work:

If you recall, I can't get free play because I did a factory reset and the tournament mode needs to be enabled. The switch is missing and someone has soldered the back of the board so it should always be on ..... but I asked around and the best tip I got was predictably enough from The Legend who suggested I desolder that bridge and rig up a switch so I could enable tournament mode when powered up. So I did.



But no joy. The strange thing is that I occasionally see this screen.....


...but only for a few seconds and during that time (I've tried all options) neither flipper does anything and test switch gives the same old menu with no free play option, and this screen does not, as test screen does, move on to a screen with options.

I reflowed the pins on that little board as well, and checked continuity but no dice. Any tips?
Dan, that is the most ghetto switch I've ever seen :) The fact that your seeing the Tournament Mode screen but only briefly would suggest your getting an intermittent connection somewhere. Have you tried soldering the two wires of your switch together and seeing what happens? Also worth checking where that board connects to in the backbox to see if there's anything loose there?
No point soldering my switch, as I have been seeing this screen occasionally for 48 hours.

More help please, what do I check and where?

This gottlieb doesn't even have batteries where I was expecting, so I'm back to level 1 on everything

update time.

ok so first order of the day was getting a game started on the bugger. putting it in tournament mode was, it seemed, not enough. so Andy Legend pointed out that the machine may not realise the door has been opened (as it needs to be) if the top door switch wasn't wired up. and what are those two wires doing there?

switch inside the door.jpg

between Andy and Pudsey Pinball (aka Dirty-faced Dave aka Deity-Faced Dave) we identified that i was looking for wires of colour xyz and uvw, so by a combination of doing things in the right order - power on THEN disconnect those 'door wires' THEN attach my ghetto tournament switch THEN reconnect those 'door wires' THEN power off and cross fingers - i was able to select free play at last. it may not be the best connection somewhere along the way, as it didn't stay around for long, but eventually i got it.

then i lost it again somehow, maybe because i was removing and testing each of 34 fuses, maybe something got shaken loose, i dunno. but i don't care, as i'd set the replay to 5M (usually you get at least that on ball 1 unless you are bereft of limbs) and keep getting new credits added each time i got a good score, so it's on 7 credits now and if i have to, i know what to do.

where were we?
oh yes -
free play.jpg

so finally i get to have some fun with it :D

i'm not gonna do a full shop job on it, but i will try to get it all fully functional. the rules (linked above) seem to be the only ones out there, and are completely crap as in incomplete - so i have absolutely no idea how to get certain features activated, like the kickback, and like the ability to spell out letters in CLAW for the cool centre-drain-saving rake. also i have no idea what hitting down the drop targets enables, and no idea what i have to do to enable the glove flipper. and i don't know what the TV does, or what the 'dream warriors' or Krugerrands or Freddy power or all that are all in aid of.

i see the insert that says 'spell claw' but can't make it active. i also see the insert that tells me the glove flipper is on, but again no idea how to light it.

spell claw insert.jpg

luckily i discovered that there is a manual that comes with this machine, and it's winging it's way to me very soon, so i hope to get some decent rules out of that. it makes it bloody annoying when i'm trying to video capture the cool effects for you lot, when i cannot for the life of me work out (even with the glass off) how to light that buggering glove flipper light, or how to get CLAW spelled out. eventually i managed to capture two of the three fun toys (head spitting out ball, and claw save raking it back) but sadly i appear to be unable to operate a simple phone video, as my long-worked-for video of the glove flipper in action apparently wasn't actually recording. i may try to capture that one another day. here's those first two:

does anyone here know about Gottlieb 'smart switches'? there is one attached to the kickback feature on the left outlane, but i can't get it to work. the coil works in coil test mode, but i can't get the switch to register in switch mode. wtf is a smart switch anyway? i wondered if it meant that only in certain circumstances was the switch a trigger for the coil to fire? does that mean that if i somehow enable it, the 'kick save' light (which appears to be always lit) will flash or something to let me know it's supposed to be active?

kick save.jpgkick back \'smart switch\'.jpg

i think that's about it. as i said, if there is someone who can walk me through switch testing on this machine, i'd be very grateful, as there's a couple of other switches i think may not be registering, including an important-looking captive ball one at the top right, that seems to be pretty important at activating stuff. you can see it to the far right (past the smashed-in boiler room and the dripping blood target) in this pic:


oh yes, one more thing - this rust feels a bit annoying and unpleasant under my fingers on the left hand side, is there an easy way to get rid of it? i can't be ****d to take them off or do a proper job, as this is only gonna be a temporary resident for a month or two, but if it's not too dificult, i'll have a go at it -


that's it, thanks for reading, folks. anyone got any spare parts from a Freddy they want to sell or give away?

edit: now fully functional and plenty of fun. two non-functioning smart switches were replaced by leaf switches soldered in, and work perfectly.
Never had a Gott so can't help with the switches but for the rusty side rail you could try scrubbing it with tin foil and coke (the drink ;)). I'd mask off the cab as much as possible so you don't damage the art or wood and then used scrunched up tin foil dipped in coke (dunno if regular or diet is better) and scrub away. Then just clean up the sticky mess afterwards :eek:
Was going to say Foil and just water but is pretty messy so like Dirty Faced Dave has already said wire wool should be the quickest and easiest way to go.
Rules. Don't know if it will work on NOES but for Stargate hold the right flipper button in when the game hasn't started and the rules come up on the DMD. might be the same on all Gotts.

My money is on this machine not lasting until the end of the month before being traded :eek:
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