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Complete Zaccaria Robot

There used to be an entire community here. Coal in the ground. Mines. Engineering plants. Three coal fired stations. They diverted the trent to supply the water. Railways to move the coal

One power station is already bulldozed. Pits all gone. Engineering works almost all gone

The other 2 power stations are on notice

Economic desolation awaits

People used to plan infrastructure like this. Now it it just chaos. Aldis. Charity shops. Teenagers doing dubious "qualifications" rather than working in said pits, piwer stations, engineering businesses. Imported wind turbines lining the pockets of landowners by increasing the cost of electricity that the suckers pay. Why bother growing stuff when you can just collect government subsidies ?
so instead of polluting the UK, and killing people down pits, building horrible cooling towers.
you have green energy, cheaper shopping and can even do a bit for charity

Aint that evolution in practice ;)
I've had a dig through my big box of Zacc spares and found some different flipper coils to what I've got fitted on the game. Looking online they're for auxiliary flippers which I'm guessing means ones like on Farfalla when you flip the ball out of the outlane to save it.

The ratings on the current flipper coils are:

50 VDC
D.50-S.600 Power
D.40-S.5000 Hold

And the ratings on the aux flipper coils are:

50 VDC
D.355-S.1000 Power
D.14-S.6000 Hold

I have no idea whether they're going to work and I suspect they might be underpowered so time to experiment. I'm going to swap one to the aux flipper coil and then do a direct comparison :thumbs:
Out of interest Chris, are you getting 50v at the coil, or more ?
That might blow the high voltage thing out of the window

Maybe it is the sheen on the playfield
Hmmm each flipper coil has a capacitor wired up to it and the wiring doesn't look particularly factory. Does anyone know why the cap is there and whether that could be causing the strong flipper power?

Is it an attempt at spark suppression, to preserve the contacts ? Like in system 11 games ?
manual list the flipper coils as D.50 S.600 - D.14 S.5000

Can see the D.50 S.600 on the coil wrapper...

Easy enought to disconnect the cap to see if it makes a difference but I'm guessing it's used for supression.
The coils in it are the right ones according to the manual, I just can't see how the game would survive long on location like this without being destroyed :)

I'll swap one of the coils out for one of my spares and see how that changes things :thumbs:
After fitting the aux flipper coil last night it was a bit late to be turning the games on...got to think of the neighbours :D Played a few games this evening and I think the experiment has been a success. The power on the right flipper feels a lot more sensible whilst still retaining all of the playability...I actually think it feels better :thumbs: Going to fit the left flipper tonight and make sure everything still plays well.
Mr Ron how is this playing a couple of weeks on?

That pink robot bridge in particular is brilliant, is it a transfer or coloured plastic?

I look forward to the Robot 2016 tour dates being announced:thumbs:
It's playing really nicely :) It doesn't feel like playing it is going to destroy it anymore which is good :thumbs: There's still a lamp not working in one of the Robot heads even after a new transistor on the driver board so I suspect either dodgy pin/connector or a break in a wire somewhere (I'm hoping not as I hate having to track these down) and there's a couple of lamps that need new sockets in the backbox but other than that it's all working great.

The robot bridge is coloured plastic and one of those things that if it ever breaks will be an absolute bitch to replace :eek: The game should be making it's first appearance of the year at 8 bit flip as I've been asked if I can bring one of my older games :D If it survives that then it'll probably be at NERG and Play Expo although I'm working on a deal at the moment for something even rarer that might have to come to some shows just so people can see it....don't want to jinx the deal though, so no more info on this until I have the thing in my possession :thumbs:
Sounds like you're going to have to sell me your Night Moves soon to make space!

Thankfully Night Moves takes up nowhere near the same space as a full size machine so is easy to keep hold of :D I love the fact that loads of people want a Night Moves....such an awesome game that deserves the love :thumbs:
Thankfully Night Moves takes up nowhere near the same space as a full size machine so is easy to keep hold of :D I love the fact that loads of people want a Night Moves....such an awesome game that deserves the love :thumbs:
Note to self..... Get your Night Moves into Grizz HQ asap..,. been 9 months since bought it. Doh :$
Hmmm each flipper coil has a capacitor wired up to it and the wiring doesn't look particularly factory. Does anyone know why the cap is there and whether that could be causing the strong flipper power?

View attachment 26960

Scary! a 50v polarised cap which is going to be subjected to large (250v+) back spikes from the coil. The cap is not going to last long, definitely remove it.

For spark suppression you'll want a 1uf/2.2uf 250-500v non polarised cap
Thankfully Night Moves takes up nowhere near the same space as a full size machine so is easy to keep hold of :D I love the fact that loads of people want a Night Moves....such an awesome game that deserves the love :thumbs:

People laughed at me when I bought mine, now everyone realises the awesomeness of the disco extravaganza, they all want one :)
People laughed at me when I bought mine, now everyone realises the awesomeness of the disco extravaganza, they all want one :)

I fell in love with it at the Swavesey White Horse meets a good few years ago. I swore one day I'd get my hands on it ... and thanks to Sir Squires ...I finally did, when the landlord decided to sell :clap:

So who else has one ? ....me, @ronsplooter , @lukewells .....anyone else ?? :)
Oy! Get in line!!(behind me!) ;) :rofl:
Thats cool, just showing continued interest! I reckon you're in for a very long wait to buy one from any of the people I know that have one! :rofl:

To be honest I've been keeping my eye out internationally as the most likely way I'm gonna see one soon is by importing it!:D
@ronsplooter Here's my take on the high power flipper 'issue'. From looking at some similar game schematics i believe that the '50v' feed for the flippers is actually 39VRM. This also looks like its a non filtered/smoothed voltage, so just the rectified wave with a peak of 55V (nasty!).


One other possible reason those big filter caps were added was an operator's thought process that it may smooth the inbound voltage feed and hence raise it to make the flippers stronger. This is an idea that was used by gottlieb on their later games to increase power to certain coils without much extra circuitry (just a cap), so (if not already done) take them out and see what the difference is.

Also, the transformer does have a tap for 245Vac and 220Vac, so worth checking what its actually set to.


Cheers. Looks amazing by the way, lovely job on the rebuild :)
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