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Your Top 10 Sci-Fi Films Ever

I watched Primer last night. Not bad! Bit of a mind f**k trying to keep track and work out what's actually happening :)
As a result of this thread I have watched primer and re - watched alien and aliens in the last few days. I'm promoting Aliens to my favourite film of all time.
1. Aliens special edition
3.Blade runner
4.The war of the worlds (1953)
5.The blob (1958)
6.The time machine (1960)
7.The day the earth stood still (1951)
8.The forbidden planet
10. The thing (1982)
Joint top for me are 2001 and Blade Runner.

Don't watch The Martian until you've listened to the audiobook. I listened to it on the way and back to the EPC last weekend, 10 hours total, ridiculously good.
The day the earth stood still 1951
back to the future
super 8
Time After Time
i am number 4
sttng any
startrek any
flash gordon
the time tunnel series
sliders series
The Twilight Zone series
warehouse13 series
last 4 are series but brilliant :thumbs:
I recently watched The Martian, really enjoyed it. Also the Robocop remake, which I managed to sit through, but it wasn't great.
1. Forbidden Planet
2. Bladerunner
3. War Of The Worlds (prefer the book though)
4. Mars Attacks
5. Westworld
6. The Terminator
7. Quatermass And The Pit
8. 2010
9. Star Wars
10. The Day The Earth Stood Still
I was quite surprised to find a dvd of 'Dark Star' in a charity shop last week. Surprised both that it had been issued on dvd, and that it had ended up in the shop. I hadn't seen it in ages, but remembered most of it. Decidedly low-budget, but still entertaining. I was told once that it's the inspiration for the 'sprite' (players icon, or 'ship') and some of the audio in Williams 'Defender'.
This doesn't totally count as Sci-Fi, but it is brilliant. Crowdfunded, and released earlier this year.

Here's the Hoff doing the lead music for it as well

1. Alien
2. Equilibrium
3. The Matrix
4. Blade Runner
5. Interstellar
6. T2
7. Predator
8. The Thing
9. District 9… or Plan 9 from outer space ;-)
10.Bad Taste

Couldn't get into 2001: a space Odyssey. Will have to try again.
Bad Taste! OMG, so long since I've seen that! Hilarious :D And thumbs up to Equilibrium too.

I was very lucky to see 2001 in the cinema recently. Just a little 50 seater at South Hill Park Arts Centre in Bracknell, but much much better on a big screen. In fact, it was a proper retro trip as they did a 30 minute presentation beforehand discussing the films cultural impact and even had a proper 10 minute interval!
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