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Your Grail Pin

Carl Spiby

10 Years
Feb 24, 2013
Kendal, Cumbria
I can't currently get enough of Quorra... I mean, Tron, even the Future Pinball version gets the old heart rate going. The theme, sound and light package make this absolutely incredible to play.

I need to own one of these at some point.

What's yours?
I can't currently get enough of Quorra... I mean, Tron, even the Future Pinball version gets the old heart rate going. The theme, sound and light package make this absolutely incredible to play.

I need to own one of these at some point.

Exactly that, can't get enough of Tron myself. Made my way up Sea of Simulation last night and reached Portal, only the third time since owning it reaching £161M. Nothing gets the adrenalin running faster than that when it comes together IMO.
Used to be TAFG. Had one and loved it. Sold it for WOZ. If the code gets finished well it could be my last pin
Mine is AC/DC : Build up that song jackpot to a massive level, get the cannon ready to fire, pound the bell to get double or treble playfield scoring going - then nail the cannon shot to double your score in one delicious well aimed shot. Magic, pure magic!
Don't have a grail pin really, I have a few of my all time faves already - and there is no *one* pin that tops all others. Plus the last thing I need is another potential keepr in the lineup ...I'm already struggling to decide what is gonna have to give next :rolleyes:

Oh and I have taken possession of my bro's Strange Science and may need to move it on soon - may not have to depending on circumstances - but if this is anyones grail pin ;) let me know
I originally would have said Monster Bash for me.

But to be honest the more real tables I play the more my list of wanted tables increases. Right now i'd love a Corvette or a Fish Tales but having a lack of space and money means neither of these will be likely in the next couple of years.
I would love a Trek next generation and Apollo 13 for the space/sci-fi theme, and horror would have to be a Nightmare on elm street.
I haven't actually played on any of these, they just have significance to me and I'm sure I'd love them regardless.
I hear on the rumour mill that theres another impending update coming for Tron. I think i wee'd when i heard it.

As for grail pins, its MM for me. Not because of the hype it developed over the years (i curse my luck) but because the mere sight and sounds of it genuinely holds precious teenage memories for me. Maybe one day....
Attack From Mars with a nice colour dmd.
Played a lovely example at a special when lit meet last christmas.
Just love it when that saucer explodes and the machine jumps about.
Getting my fix on pinball arcade but one day I will save enough for the deposit on the mortgage to own one.
Vacant stare.
Attack From Mars with a nice colour dmd.
Played a lovely example at a special when lit meet last christmas.
Just love it when that saucer explodes and the machine jumps about.
Getting my fix on pinball arcade but one day I will save enough for the deposit on the mortgage to own one.
Vacant stare.

I used to own this, fresh from a minty restore. We all miss it more than any other pin!!
I used to own this, fresh from a minty restore. We all miss it more than any other pin!!
A fool and his pin are easily parted.
That was a lovely machine I feel for your loss.
Morcombe you say Paul, hmm who fancies a raid. Wez you in?
I used to own this, fresh from a minty restore. We all miss it more than any other pin!!

Are you sure it's the same machine? I'd heard that it originated from Stormy rebuild... Anyway of telling other than the weights on the shaker motor were too heavy...!!! :D
Are you sure it's the same machine? I'd heard that it originated from Stormy rebuild... Anyway of telling other than the weights on the shaker motor were too heavy...!!! :D

Yup, Stormy rebuild - it was a beaut!
I think my grail pin is probably MM as well. i know it's a cliche, and i know that as a game it's no better than about ten others that can all be had for less than half it's price, but still it's ..... it's ... it's almost unobtanium. i don't think i'll ever feel ok about spending 6-7K on a single machine, so i'll probably never own one, so it's my grail because i won't ever find it.

i could also say ACDC or LOTR but i know i'll have them some day, but MM probably never as its price will surely just keep climbing as it becomes *the* pin every newb wants
Yeah, that was the one on BIN for around £6k a few weeks back wasn't it?

I dread to think what it'll go for. If a busted up knackered old MM goes for £4k i'd guess you'll be looking at a pretty penny for that.
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