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Yahoo Group Confusion


Jul 21, 2011
Does 'DAflippers' from the Yahoo group come on here?

There was a conversation a few weeks ago where he (I think) was helping to sell a collection of machines owned by a guy who had fallen ill. I can't work out how to respond privately on there, and the way it works is so confusing i have no idea where the posts go? I've probably missed the boat now but I can't even find the original thread!
Any info/contact details would be appreciated!
I have pretty much given up even going on there now which is a real shame. But it's just such a mess since the update. :(
I spoke to David on email just the other day and as someone said above, IJ and CV were still available, possibly one other - JY maybe??

Ive had to more or less give up on the group also, after the update it barely functioned on my ipad which is what i mostly use at home, seems yahoo really buggered it up for some reason..
I have pretty much given up even going on there now which is a real shame. But it's just such a mess since the update. :(

I checked it out for the first time in ages a couple of weeks back and I have no idea what's going on over there now. It's just a mess and impossible to work out where a thread starts and ends. Even if you try to view the messages in the current thread you end up with a whole bunch out of sync.
I checked it out for the first time in ages a couple of weeks back and I have no idea what's going on over there now. It's just a mess and impossible to work out where a thread starts and ends. Even if you try to view the messages in the current thread you end up with a whole bunch out of sync.

makes me realise how lucky we are to have this forum! (Three cheers for Paul and a group hug)!:)
Best way to handle yahoo is have it deliver every message by email, then filter them into their own folder. Thunderbird then supports thread view which makes everything very straightforward.
Best way to handle yahoo is have it deliver every message by email, then filter them into their own folder. Thunderbird then supports thread view which makes everything very straightforward.

It's the year 2013 .... you can get pictures on phones and everything !! I know I know, it's far out daddio :cool: Someone tell Yahoo ;)
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Yep, brilliant of Paul to set up this place. It was mooted for years on the yahoo group and shouted down by the majority. Glad someone finally took the plunge
Yahoo groups is a chuffin nightmare.
It used to be so easy to use but ever since the updated version is totally cocked it up.
Thank goodness for "our" forum. Thanks Paul for spending so much time on giving us a great place to hang out.
Anyone who has not yet given a donation to the upkeep and running of the forum just think what a sh*ter it would be if we did not have such a great place to talk about and winge about and loads of other stuff pinball.
Just a small donation to the cause is all thats needed, so if you have not already then send over a few quid. Its well worth the cost for what we all get out of "our" forum.
Lets see if we can hit the target sooner rather than later.
I'm glad for the forum too. Just cant get the Yahoo group to work on my ~PC.
cheers Paul
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