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Nov 18, 2017
Played this game a few times tonight - bloody brilliant. How come JJP POTC couldn't get the disc working when Stern could on this (and Beatles) - and I know the disc is more complex on POTC?

Other views on X-Men?
JJP can't even use decent foam on the beer strip or stand up targets. Engineering a spinning disc ?, it might as well be a Martian landing to JJP.
I've had a pro and an LE, great machines. You can't have a conversation about X-Men without mentioning the ridiculously bad callouts though, possibly the worst in any machine, especially the female characters. Also the main tune that plays I found very dreary, I installed a custom rom someone on pinside made with better music.

Here's the standard dreary music

and the custom rom music from the cartoon
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Clearly couldn't get the rights to the X-Men cartoon theme tune which for nostalgia and clear awesomeness is absolutely top drawer, the Stern version though is a good attempt at paying tribute without paying the royalties.
Nothing stopping you getting all the sounds you want on a unsound and making the game even better.
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