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Sold X-Men Pro £3500 price drop to £3000


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Mar 12, 2016
Leicester M1 J21a
Phil Dixon
gorgeous, led conversion, uprated speakers, Lit speakers, ColorDMD, shaker. £4000. £3500 without colorDMD. Leicester M1 J21a

Need to thin the herd!
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Hi ,
Now that looks real nice. Would you be interested in a swap for a Lord of the Rings ? It`s a machine in perfect playing condition and very nice cosmetically, i can send photos of course if you think it`s a possibility . I also believe i have your old T-3 which i have on eBay at the moment which has been a totally reliable great game since i bought it from Robert Lucas.

John Beveridge.
First time I've seem a B&W speaker in a pin :)
price dropped to £3000 WITHOUT the colorDMD. Bargain of the century!

Martin is here tomorrow afternoon.
Oh FFS!!!!!
Best all get in dibbing line from Chris B then
Actually now you come to mention it I did ask Phil for dibs on it as saw it when I bought his Lotr but that was 18 months ago :)
I'm to old to remember that far back. If you did I apologise. Next set of spacers is free.
I'm to old to remember that far back. If you did I apologise. Next set of spacers is free.

Phil no need to apologise, as you say 18 months is a long time in life let alone pinball (lots of balls flipped in that time plus I'm sure that there would have been others that asked as well) and tbh wasn't going to mention it due to it being so long ago, my comment
double dang :(
would have sufficed as that was response to the dang by @Sgt GrizZ meaning that poop wish I had seen it earlier @£3000 and normally would have done but I was busy with fundraising for NLP and TCT :) however in response to the flippant :) post by @windoesnot
You cant dib them all Steve! :rofl:
I chose to say Well Actually!!!! :)

What do I need spacers for? :D
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