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WPT drop targets not raising


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Aug 10, 2014
Ian Walmsley
Picked up my new WPT yesterday and set it up and tested.

Everything is fine bar both the 2 banks of 4 drop targets on the left side, both are having the same issue. If 1, 2 or 3 drops are down, they will come back up fine during the coil test and during gameplay. However if all 4 drops are down both banks struggle to raise up and take multiple attempts by the coil to fire them back into the correct position.

Video below:

Have had it suggested to strip the drop target banks down and clean them which I will look at hopefully tonight if I get time, could there be anything else to check, never had a machine with drop targets on them so this is new to me. Thinking about checking the coil sleeve's as an obvious thing but any other usual suspects for this sort of thing?

Both of the other drop target banks work absolutely fine.
Yup - Strip down and clean, Check coils (operation and correct type). Looks like it it attempting to fire the coils which is good, however friction means it takes a few goes to get them up.

Best it's sorted now, else you could end up in a worse state further down the line..
Yeah, strip and clean the drop targets. Standard fault (if it can be called a fault) across most pins regardless of make...
Is there anything specific they should be cleaned with or is it a lint free cloth job and just wipe any gunk off?

Thanks for the help so far
Foaming cleanser or wet wipes or even No bus to get the unit and targets clean then dry of and a final clean with Mr Sheen or pledge then put it all back together and play fault free pinball.
So with the time i have today, ive removed the targets and cleaned them and the back of the bracket too. Quite a bit of dirt come off all of them and they all drop down with more of a snap now.

There is a good improvement and the bottom of the 2 seems fixed but the top one needs a couple of coil fires to get the drops up. Will fit new coil sleeves when they arrive and clean the other side of the bracket too.
I have done a lot of drop targets recently. Isopropyl alcohol to clean the metal bits. Consider polishing the plungers or at least giving them a good clean with solvol autosol
the top one needs a couple of coil fires to get the drops up. Will fit new coil sleeves when they arrive and clean the other side of the bracket too.

Also check the alignment of the targets, for any wear on the target and the lift mechanism.
Replaced the coil sleeve and plunger spring for the one that was still having issues and its fine now.

Once the machine is in the house ill be doing a full run through of everything.

Cheers all :)
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