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Found it! WPC 95 speaker panel


Site Supporter
10 Years
Apr 10, 2012
Does anyone have a WPC 95 speaker panel lying around they don't need please? I don't mind a Williams or Bally one :)
Still looking lol someone's getting confused to what a WPC95 panel is..
I was after one a while back. I ended up buying a new one from one of the European suppliers. I can't remember where from but it looks like they are still available.


The problem with these speaker panels is that the brittle plastic spigots tend to be broken. It is also hard to get the push nuts off the spigots without breaking them.

I prefer the older MDF type panels with the game specific artwork on the front. These also gave a better mounting platforms for the speakers. But seemingly Williams was deep into cost cutting by the wpc95 stage
Thanks yeah I have a source for a new one but would rather pay for a used one in the UK if possible.

I'm hoping @Alpha1 finds his stash out otherwise I will have yo go down the new route :)
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