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WOZ 2.0 light kit wiring layout error.


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Dec 24, 2018
North East England
All just read this on pinside and then checked my WOZ and found that its in the same condition.

Just a heads up as I know there are another 4 - 5 kits came into the UK when I got mine.

Guess its time to strip the castle playfield out to fix lol. Turns out to be wrong install instructions.

Hope it helps!!

Quoted from pinheadpierre:
Found an error in my 2.0 system last night. Either the castle cables were labeled wrong or the rgb cable map is printed wrong. Either way, it resulted in my wiring the lights for the search insert and the adjacent gi light backwards. Heads up to those who follow. I recommend holding off on fully reinstalling the castle playfield until you can test to ensure that everything is correct in test mode.
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