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wow-how many games


10 Years
Aug 10, 2011
Just had a quick count - had over 3 dozen games.numbers would have been ok if I was a trader,but virtually every game bought has been for my playing pleasure.When will this madness end?

Mind you @SOUTH COAST SLAM is prob on about 6 dozen;)
In how long?

About 15 years.Haven't got full details of when I got my first machine

1. DESWars £500 delivered from Rhyl think it was late 200 or early 2001 swapped it and £50 for CBW inc delivery in Autumn 2001.Was chuffed as CBW THE pin that got me hooked

2. STNG £1000 Autumn 03(yup paid a bit high but was a noobie).Swapped for a Banzai run with two pinshow tickets/accom in 2010

3. March 04 two soccer Kings different sellers £50,and £65 both not working - got em both working tho.Sold one for £180,other for £310 (after spending about £220 on bits!!)

4. Aug 04 WWater £550 sold for £530 in Nov 05

5 16 Sept 04 £750 RSsold 4 Aug 06 same price

6 24 Nov 04 AFM £1450 still got

etc etc
My lifetime count is at 78. Batman dk just arrived a week or so ago taking its slot in setup position 7 of 7 :)
**** me I'm an amateur. Not even made it to 30 yet:oops: Still remember when I had furniture in my back room. Very occasionally get nagged at about how the "nicest" room in the house is full of pins
:oops::oops:oops just check it's actually 32:oops::oops: You know things are bad when you can't remember how many games you have. I struggle to remember what games I've got now when people ask.
What's the rough split? And where the hell do you keep 79 machine regardless of whether they're pins or vids?!?!?

Mental... :p

24 pins / 34 videogame / 21 mechanical (riffle range etc)

Pinball cabin, garage, 2 bedrooms with machines, dining room, kitchen, hallway, 2 outbuildings, 10 on loan :)
This prompted me to have a count as sadly I have photos of most of them so my total is 110 unique titles and 256 separate machines if you include duplicates, my record is 9 Whodunnit's closely followed by 8 Flintstones, there are also 11 instances where I have owned the same machine more than once, madness when you think about it so best not to!
I'm on my 12th pin since May 2012..
I bought my first jamma cab in 1986 when I was still living in a flat in Wimbledon... ah those were the days.. no kids or wife moaning about the lack of space!
40 games in five and a half years according to my records.

I have recently picked up game number 40, another Fish Tales, which coincidentally was the first game I originally bought back in 2009 - shortly after visiting the UK Pinball Show at Northampton.
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