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Worst mods in pinball!

Oh god yeah those toppers, I have NO IDEA how people think those look good. They are completely overwhelming and just look way too big. A preemptive apology to anyone who has one on their machines :D

I can't think of any particularly bad mods, mainly just things where like people just stick toys and things to games that have nothing to do with the game itself but are sort of related. e.g. random model cars on stuff like Getaway.
First thing I thought of when I saw the title of this topic is that awful CFTBL topper. Most after market toppers do.

That TFTC above is not something I would personally want on a game but must admit that whoever did it has done it well.

I think that applies to most mods really, 90% are cheap tacky crap. There's only a tiny amount of stuff out there which is really and adds to the game.
First up the whitewater "brown monster" mod :rofl:
View attachment 16819

Yours for only $77!

Most by this seller are steaming piles of you know what but God loves a trier, (this is the guy that listed on ebay that he can clone any mod and that everyone else was expensive and sold inferior products to him, laughable) I think what you have to remember about modding is that if it's done well, anything goes, I sell items that I would not necessarily fit on some of my machines because it's down to personal preference but as a business I need to put food on the table so if someone wants to buy it then I will supply it, within reason, even I have my limits :) (like Meat Loaf said "I will do anything for mods, but I won't do that"

This rip attempt on my TAF bear is one of the worst mods I have ever seen hawked on ebay (also by the same seller), like I said, it doesn't matter what you sell as long as it's made well (one mans gold is another man's turd and all that) but that is just shocking and if a seller can't see that then there is little hope, by looking at that you have to imagine the quality of anything else that comes through your letter box, take your chances guys.

Yours for $77 + shipping

These are also pretty shocking

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Ok I will admit it, I actually like the cftbl topper :oops::oops::oops:
But I can not even dress myself without 1 of the family saying " your not wearing that are you "

Who ever made the fluorescent stickers on the saucers of the afm Mark had at Manchester last year, dresses like me :D:D
Yuk and tacky ( no pun intended )
Love the rest of the machine though
"Who ever made the fluorescent stickers on the saucers of the afm Mark had at Manchester last year, dresses like me :D:D
Yuk and tacky"

I designed those :rofl:, yup not to everybody's taste but they were well designed and laser cut so never had a complaint from anyone who purchased a set but again, one man's turd etc :)

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Tommy tiger on top of my TOM got a few sniggers but it isnt bolted on and was £3 from the SCOPE shop. not a fan of custom toppers but peeps are free to do what they will with their games
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