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Found it! Working Bally 1979 SS Sound Module


Oct 26, 2014
Does anyone have one of these pls, for a Paragon


So, did you (and how) conclude that this board is chuffed? I could try it in my PARAGON (although currently it's been completely dismantled into small ziploc bags!). If you want to post it to me I could hook it up with my PARAGON MPU and test it.
Hi. Thanks for the kind offer, but I really don't want to cause you a load of work. I did wonder about seeing whether there was anyone on the forum local to me who would let me plug my board in their game but I think this Sound Module was only used in 6 or 7 games ...

Bally Third Generation with Sound module -50:
- Power Supply AS2518-18, MPU AS2517-35, Sound Module AS2518-50
  • Star Trek, 4/79 (16,842)
  • Paragon, 6/79 (9,120)
  • Harlem Globetrotters, 9/79 (14,550)
  • Dolly Parton, 11/79 (7,350)
Bally Third Generation with Power supply -49 and Sound module -50:
- Power Supply AS2518-49, MPU AS2517-35, Sound Module AS2518-50
  • Kiss, 6/79 (17,000)
  • Future Spa, 12/79 (6,400)
  • Maybe, Space Invaders, 4/80 (11,400) (Sound Module AS2518-51)

I am now not sure whether it is the Paragon MPU or the Paragon Sound Module !!!!!!!

The MPU should be the same, and does looks the same as the one in my Vector. Both have recently burned ROMs, so have the same jumpers. I wrote down the dip switch settings of the two MPUs. Swapped the ROMs over

Then I put Vector's MPU in paragon. It was still doing this double beeping, as before, everything else worked fine. So this made me think that it is Paragon's sound module that is fried. So I thought I would investigate whether there was a used one available and weigh up whether to buy or get my existing one fixed.

As I am a mug, and I wanted to double check, I then put paragon's MPU in vector. To my horror, Vector was now only making about half of its normal range of noises !!! otherwise it was fine.

Mercifully, when I returned Vector's original MPU with its original ROMs and dip settings it worked fine again.

So I am now utterly confused !!!! My Paragon is good cosmetically but has suffered a bit of corrosion over the years (damp/ cold storage perhaps) and had former mild battery corrosion on the MPU. Its solenoid board has been replaced with an Alltek one. I have reflowed the pins on the MPU and Sound Module. I have also looked for dry joints under an illuminated magnifier and reflowed a few connections. But the whole sound board just looks "tired" - dull joints etc. I checked voltages on the test points and these are fine.

Unless there is a used Sound board about, I think next step would be to send it in for repair.
I believe that this particular sound module was only used in three games : Paragon, Harlem Globetrotters, and Dolly Parton.
Thanks for the suggestions.

Andy at pinball mania fixed it. Really quick turnaround too. An inexpensive chip had failed.
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