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Williams Miss-O Playfeild & Backbox


10 Years
Oct 17, 2011
Bought this cab a while back with the intention of doing a digital pin, got most of my computer stuff in now so will be stripping the guts from this fairly soon. If anyone wants to save them from the skip please let me know! I'll be building a new backbox so that's up for grabs too. If someone really wants to save the whole machine I'll be happy to swap for an empty cab as long as it's got lockdown bar and playfeild glass.

Based in Ipswich.





Yeh, that playfield looks in nice condition. In fact the game overall looks quite interesting. Please someone out there save it.
I'm on holiday from next saturday for two weeks (including Vegas Hall of Fame!!!).

Like I've said if anyone wants to save this machine get in touch soon as I'll be working on my digi pin pretty soon after getting back.

It does light up by the way and the scoreboard spins randomly, but I cant get a game started or flippers to work, might be a simple fix for someone who knows what they're doing.

Glad to see she is going to be saved. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !
Just replied via email, hopefully it'll all work out!
If anyone knows David Dutton personally can they please get him to check his email/phone me! Sent him an email over a week ago hoping to arrange a swap for an empty cab but have received no reply. Got ALL my stuff for the digipin now and am itching to get started on this project but would feel a little sad to just butcher this cabinet, as I've said before if anyone else would like to swap for an empty one I'd be more than happy. Cheers all.
Miss O at Northern Lights Show

For anyone who followed this thread; Miss O is now fully working and will be available for play at the Northern Lights show in Manchester this weekend

Bought this cab a while back with the intention of doing a digital pin, got most of my computer stuff in now so will be stripping the guts from this fairly soon. If anyone wants to save them from the skip please let me know! I'll be building a new backbox so that's up for grabs too. If someone really wants to save the whole machine I'll be happy to swap for an empty cab as long as it's got lockdown bar and playfeild glass.

Based in Ipswich.





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