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Why's Robotgreg selling up?


Mar 7, 2013
Just curious or should I keep my nose out :oops: says change of circumstances

Just noticed several of his machines on epay.

Wonder if he's still got my Dirty Harry I sold him 2 years ago at the Slam lol

It's sad when you see a world ranked player both on videogames and pinball machines selling up.

"word on the street" is that it was by order of his wife.
Don't think he will be selling any of those @ the current start prices or maybe that is the plan ;), if my missus told me to sell my Gilligan’s Island I would put it up on ebay with a starting price of £1800 and then show her there was no interest when it did not get a bid, alternatively there would also be a woman’s shoe collection auction running in tandem :)
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It's sad when you see a world ranked player both on videogames and pinball machines selling up.

"word on the street" is that it was by order of his wife.

Oh dear!! that's sad. Surely he'd be better off selling some of the vids. Big Hurt yes :p just doesn't appeal to me.

Yea have to admit, at those top top prices nothing is going to sell,as you say Judge( is it Andy?) perhaps that's the plan
Not exactly 'selling up' ..... thats just a few of his games.

I'm sure he'd be quite amused at this interest in his 'change of circumstances'.

Even if so, not unusual for someone in any hobby after many years to sell up/move on.....interest can wane, the same passion isn't there. Big collections of games need a lot of maintenance etc, use the money tied up for other stuff. Loads of reasons.
Even if so, not unusual for someone in any hobby after many years to sell up/move on.....interest can wane, the same passion isn't there. Big collections of games need a lot of maintenance etc, use the money tied up for other stuff. Loads of reasons.
Yup, I replaced my classic bike collection with pins, all interests have peaks and troughs + the space these things take up in your life and in your head, shifting a load of machines in one go is a nice feeling, trick is not to buy them all back again ;)
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Post Slam I am looking forward to reducing my machines a bit ....tired of no space and having several scattered around the place.

Best thing I ever did was doing exactly this a couple of years back. When you have got to the point where you cannot comfortably play your games as there are others packed up and in the way it's time to shift some! I felt a lot better afterwards and enjoyed playing a lot more.

Mildly amused and intrigued by all the interest and conjecture. Stan’s beaten me to it and is spot on as to why I’ve put these pins up for sale. Also bought a few too many recently so need to have a cull for space too. So not by order of the wife but indirectly to cover her costs and two children!

Do have many others still but these are the ones that get least play (or for MM would justify selling for the right money). So yes appreciate they’re priced at the top end of the market but they are very nice condition and I don’t need to sell just yet but if I can then all well and good as will need the cash sooner or later. Also not expecting to sell all although won’t be disappointed to do so. Of course open to offers and added on £100-£200 to the ebay price to cover fees.

I rushed to get them on ebay for free weekend listing without having time to do loads of photos. I was waiting for one of these to come up and used to get emails to notify me but not seen anything for months and then found out it was on this weekend Sunday evening.

Si, yes still got DH and would be one of the last to go if and when it gets to that stage! Great game and probably my fave B/W.


Sorry to hear Greg, people always need accountants though so hopefully you find something quick :) Sounds pretty ****ty as from memory you've worked for them for a long time

Sorry to hear Greg, people always need accountants though so hopefully you find something quick :) Sounds pretty ****ty as from memory you've worked for them for a long time

Thanks Nick, much appreciated. Yeah pretty ****ty but best not to say any more here! Yep been there over 16 1/2 years. Still would have done less time for murder these days I reckon!

Seconded - Sorry to hear it Greg. Was there after 17 years myself before it happened, however got back on the ladder after a couple of months luckily - not a pleasant place to be tho :( Fingers crossed you find something else soon :)
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That sucks Greg hope it don't take to long to get back on your feet. My stepdads going through the same he gets made redundant next month
Cheers for clarifying this thread Greg :) and very sorry to hear what's happened with your job. As someone said, people always need accountants. Could be a perfect opportunity for you to go it alone.
Glad you still have my DH, I'm aware of your love for it.
All the best.
Thanks Nick, much appreciated. Yeah pretty ****ty but best not to say any more here! Yep been there over 16 1/2 years. Still would have done less time for murder these days I reckon!


Greg, sorry to hear, I was exactly 16 years in my 1st job from school before I was booted, it wasn't a good time those months afterwards, sold most of my toys to live, then I decided I would never work for anyone else again. Look to set up on your own, take a few clients, accountants are always needed, I have pay almost £10k in fees for my businesses :(

I sold my toys too cheap as was worried, take your time and think about your options.

Glad to hear you are not selling up Greg!

Best of luck to you on your next endeavour! Hope its not too long till you are sorted out
Greg has quite a few machines, I believe he can get rid of a few and still have stuff to play on ;-)
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