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Whitewater Loud noise on switch off?


Oct 24, 2015
London, UK
I have one concern with my new Whitewater. It makes a very loud noise when I switch it off and then flasher light in the backbox glow for a few seconds after it's switched off (LED's)? The transformer makes a loud buzzing noise when the machine is on, but am not sure if this is related? Just don't want to damage the boards if there are any power / earthing issues. Any advice would be appreciated.
Sounds normal to me with games of that era. You can buy things to make it go away (the popping noise that is) the buzz you need to ensure the transformer bolts are tight and if still buzzes whack it with a rubber mallet.


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I’d say most of my BW machines snap, crackle and pop when turned off to various audio levels.

I’ve gotten used to it now as “a feature”. I did look for the kits to prevent this but couldn’t find any.
Agree with everyone else, the buzzing when on is usually the big transformer in the bottom de-laminating (they are made of multiple sheets of metal with a coil round them covered in resin over time the resin breaks up and the pieces of metal vibrate causing the noise) i agree with Neil whack it with a rubber mallet or swap the transformer.
Transformers hard to come by, cushion it hit it with a mallet or just get used to it.
My bsd used to make a really loud bang when I switched it off. When I restored the cab the sub speaker was fooked the diaphragm had totally perished. Changed the speaker and now it no longer makes the noise. So worth checking that out
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