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White water topper bubbles


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Hi All,
I have recently purchased an original white water topper that has a few bubbles in the diecut part of the decal and I was wondering the best way to try and remove/flatten these. Any tips and tricks appreciated.

Cheers Kev

Only way is to chill out and live with imperfections. Nothing can ever be perfect and you'll go mad if you think you can obtain it.
I did a fix and put it up on Pinball wiki, will try and find it to post you the link.
Pull some of that shiny foil paper out of an old cigarette packet (cut old topper foil away, get a grown up to help you with this bit), get an empty fairy liquid bottle (just for fun) and some double sided sticky tape (essential), have some fun making your new un-bubbled topper foil section ;), when I was a kid you could make a NASA rocket using the same technique.
Pull some of that shiny foil paper out of an old cigarette packet (cut old topper foil away, get a grown up to help you with this bit), get an empty fairy liquid bottle (just for fun) and some double sided sticky tape (essential), have some fun making your new un-bubbled topper foil section ;), when I was a kid you could make a NASA rocket using the same technique.
lol !!!!!
Mine had one large bubble. To fix I got a needle and punctured the bubble, then pushed down on the bubble gently to let the air out. Then I put a small towel over it and heated it with a hair dryer and rubbed where the bubble was to flatten it. Supposedly heating makes the adhesive sticky again and helps to stick the bubble down. It worked for a while but I reckon the bubble is coming back. Might have to do it again and then seal the tiny pinhole somehow. Or maybe use a syringe to squirt a bit of glue in or something...
Guys did you see my tech post about bigfoot optos - would one of you be so kind ?

Cheers Kev
Hi Kev, I swear I replied to this yesterday, but I can't see where I posted it. Maybe I replied in another thread. Am I going mad?

Anyway, in case I didn't post it anywhere else, here's what I found:

In regular switch edge mode, blocking opto 1 shows Opto 1 to register on the DMD, and blocking Opto 2 shows Opto 2 registering. As you would expect.

In the special Bigfoot opto test mode, it starts on the DMD with an Opto 1 box with an x in it, and an opto 2 box with an x i it,

When I block Opto 1, the x dissapears from the opto 2 box and vice verce

Hope that helps!
@Mfresh You did post that yesterday - but Kev has another thread open just relating to that problem so I suspect you posted there. ;-)
Hi Kev, I swear I replied to this yesterday, but I can't see where I posted it. Maybe I replied in another thread. Am I going mad?

Anyway, in case I didn't post it anywhere else, here's what I found:

In regular switch edge mode, blocking opto 1 shows Opto 1 to register on the DMD, and blocking Opto 2 shows Opto 2 registering. As you would expect.

In the special Bigfoot opto test mode, it starts on the DMD with an Opto 1 box with an x in it, and an opto 2 box with an x i it,

When I block Opto 1, the x dissapears from the opto 2 box and vice verce

Hope that helps!
yeah it does man!!! so exactly the same as mine so the special big foot opto test is wrong!!! as I suspected, but in switch edge test it is correct - weird !!!! At least I don't have to fix something else lol !!

Cheers Kev
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