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whirlwind fan light mod


Jan 18, 2013
hi guys,i'm thinking of doing the following mod,anyone know who supplies the heavy duty flasher 44 leds & what should i be asking for exactly?
- Fan Lamp Effect: Now for the Fan lights, Mount two 44 style sockets on top, solder a wire onto one of the lugs of the first socket and then solder the other end of the wire to one of the lugs on the second socket. Basically you are wiring the sockets together. You should have one free lug on each lamp socket now. Solder another piece of wire on the free lug and connect an insulated alligator clip on the other end. Do this for both lamps. You now clip the alligator clips to each lug on the fan where the wires attach to the motor to complete the circuit. This circuit runs at a higher voltage, so you cannot use any old LED bulb, it will burn out. Use the "Balrog" flasher for these (that are sold via CT for use in LOTR)
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