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Which Red Spray Paint

Mike Kindler

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
South Croydon
I'm making changes to the DMD cover on my T2. Trouble is the one I've gone for has not really been thought through as the laser cut design cuts across the red speaker grill exposing a little of the black main DMD cover.

Can anyone direct me to the source of a suitable red spray paint to go over the exposed bits, or should I spray the red speaker grill black to match? I have one spare black grill but can't find another for love nor money.

See pic to clarify the problem. 20151026_201805.jpg

As an aside, I've found some EL Foil to highlight the cut outs in the centre of the DMD cover, and installed red speaker LEDs. (See pics of EL Foil)

all this EL-stuff is great, isn't it Mike. i bought from this place as they're in the UK - http://elwirecraft.co.uk/el-how-to-and-tips/el-wire/help-to-choose-el-wire/

i've bought EL-wire from them, will definitely try chase-EL-wire at some point but had wondered what EL-foil was. now i know, and it looks fab! is yours just hooked up to a 12V driver? what else did you get?

regarding your speaker, i expect you'll never match the colour so would just take the stencilled black plastic bit off and just respray the lot some kind of red, trying not to clog the holes
You can buy sheets of speaker mesh on eBay, if you have room could fettle new larger ones to replace and spray any colour of your choice. Alternatively, buy some contrasting coloured card or pvc and cut a round hole for the existing grill then overlay it so you have two colours showing through - could look good.

First off though I'd be returning it if practical.
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