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Which Paint for Cab touch ups


Jul 17, 2014
Morning all,

Which paints, brand and type, do you lot use for cab touch ups? There's a couple of chips and dings I'd like to fill and sort on my Whodunnit, but don't want to re-decal it. Just local repairs and touch ups. Just to make it a little more presentable...not that it's bad!


The black bits i think you'd get away with a sharpie. Providing it's not for flipper button wear as it just comes off. I found it hard getting a match for the black otherwise.
The colours, I'd say an acrylic paint ( the range have aload ). Then you'll need some kind of varnish on top. Clear nail varnish will do the job just to seal it for a touch up:)
Hi Dunc if you don't have an airbrush the method I've used with good effect is spraying a small amount of satin black acrylic spray paint into the lid and then brush very thin layers using an artist brush. You don't want a thick layer as it stands out, only fill the scratch not around the area all this does is attract your eye more to the damage. The acrylic spray I've used with good results is Simonitz Acrylic spray, they sell it at Euro Car Parts and is under a fiver.

Good luck with the touch up

The black areas are a bit more than a sharpie. I was thinking of using spray paint into the cap. I have plenty at home.

I shall try popping into the Range and see what they have.

Cheers people!

I was recommended and use Reeves acrylics (actually from The Range) as they're high colour pigment and give good coverage use good artists brushes too. Acrylics are forgiving, can colour match on a transparency (when dry) and wipe off if you make mistakes. Bad touch-ups often look worse than no touch-ups:thumbs:
These acrylics, are they like an emulsion style paint?

The reason I ask, is it own all this.....1471688252066-1825553353.jpg 1471688364444539213332.jpg

And a mixing machine....

So if they are emulsion style paints, I can just use my sample pots and laquer/varnish etc over the top.

But if the ones from the Range are different, and recommended, then I'll have a pop down and see what they have

True, but laquering/clear coating over the whole lot would make it durable surely?

Cheers for all the advice so far peeps! :D

True, but laquering/clear coating over the whole lot would make it durable surely?

Cheers for all the advice so far peeps! :D

Yes you can clear coat over the top and it will make it durable. If it's onto a decal you need to feather the edges and do very thin coats or it will run very easily, if you lay it flat you won't get a smooth finish with thick coats.

By feathering the edges and doing very thin coats you will also be less likely to see the change in the finish between the decal and the spray paint.

Hope this helps.
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