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Which is best? .1 pitch IDC or crimp commectors for CPU


Jun 22, 2019
In process of rebuilding my TOM and it seems all the Cabinet switch connectors ( J 212 & 215) on the CPU boards , currently IDCs are literally all breaking off. not sure if that is normal for the age? I have ordered replacement IDC's but am wondering if crimp connectors would be better and more resilient. I always thought that IDC (Insulation Displacement Connector) were designed for solid not stranded wire but the wiring loom seems to be stranded. I am thinking that IDC's were originally used because they were quick to fit and cheap!. Any thoughts
I personally replace like for like. If its an arcade game I will use crimp, or pinball IDC.

If its GI connectors that have failed, also change the pins too! Not just the connectors.

Plus if you also go to LEDs you will never have issues again with these connectors.
I personally replace like for like. If its an arcade game I will use crimp, or pinball IDC.

If its GI connectors that have failed, also change the pins too! Not just the connectors.

Plus if you also go to LEDs you will never have issues again with these connectors.
Hi there. It is not the GI or burnt connectors or pins but the cabinet switches on the CPU they seem all to be breaking / snapping off where they are pressed into the connector. I have been advised not to try to replace them with a screwdriver as it will make things worse so I have ordered replacement connectors for all the CPU switch inputs as I though if some are going it is only a matter of time before others snap off. Because these wires connect the test switches as well as the coins I cannot do anything until I can reconnect the cables. I refuse to bodge (solder them) Si I will just have to wait! sod it! Has anyone else experience this?
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