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Where to buy pinball bits


Jun 30, 2016
So I need to start collecting the parts required to refurb the Earthshaker

Who would you recommend for the following without being mugged

Plastics ( marco has a full set in stock, but U.S. Shipping is somewhat overpriced)
Decals (there was a thread on this recently so will find it as they had the lighter blue I need
Lock bar
Cleaning materials
Posts / bumpers etc.....general nuts bolts washers etc....

Cheers, Anton
Make sure you checkout other threads as some UK dealers are offering discounts for pinball info users.
Cracking game earthshaker. Your timing is absolutely perfect, plenty of game specific parts have recently been made available for it - ramps, plastics. I guess it is because cpr is collecting orders for a playfield run. Get 'em while you can as this door will close

If you get sick of her, I would be interested. I have a whirlwind which is a very, very similar game
Cracking game earthshaker. Your timing is absolutely perfect, plenty of game specific parts have recently been made available for it - ramps, plastics. I guess it is because cpr is collecting orders for a playfield run. Get 'em while you can as this door will close

If you get sick of her, I would be interested. I have a whirlwind which is a very, very similar game
Yep ES is awesome, I miss my old one but luckily my bro has it now :-D

Very similar ruleset to Whirly, similar music and sounds, but even though Whirlwind offers more with its proto wizard mode I think ES is the better layout and overall a more fun game.
I think the es ball lock targets are better too. IN whirly you have to take down two of each colour - es is more logical with the numbered targets. Whirly has the better multiball imho. Even stevens in my book. Same female voice too
From what I can see the ramps are all very good. Most the plastics are cracked and the inserts are all pretty much shot. There are some areas on the playfield that need work. Looks like some of the yellows have been touched up, but in All a solid machine. Even the cab is pretty good. I saw cpr were thinking of doing a new playfield, but this has been on the cards for a while so might be due soon....I will keep the ES long term...well that's the plan anyway...its a real pick up and play game which I wanted. Compared to the JD which is a work at it game...

@DRD?...will keep you in mind but don't hold your breathe!!
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