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What I get out of it...


Nov 8, 2016

Just something that crossed my mind when I was being asked what my mood and outlook was like as a stroke outpatient.

I said that I have ups and downs but as a generally positive person I won’t let my current situation get the better of me, despite it preventing me driving (love to drive, got a grail car for me) and many favourite pastimes.

I can’t play the majority of video games which I do and have done as a living, plus day to day stuff like being out with my dogs - but being in hospital for 5 weeks taught me to embrace the simpler stuff.

I then got thinking about my love/obsession with pinball and in particular modding and tinkering, which i’ve Focused on lately as it’s mostly something I can do albeit with the odd helping hand, and admittedly very slowly given efficiency suffers when one hand/arm fails to do as required.

Were I to be 100% focused on pinball for the scores, for the playing, the hobby would be dead to me because try as I might, one handed games don’t cut it.

So it’s really opened up my love for modding, of good machines, of the aesthetics and audio - what the ambience of the machine can be and why I seek to improve the experience of them - even if many will shrug and fail to see why even an LE would be tinkered with.

Thanks pinball, I’ll play and enjoy that too, when my body is ready :)
Great you've found a way to look for the positives.

For video games, Microsoft now have an adaptive controller which may help: https://www.xbox.com/en-gb/xbox-one/accessories/controllers/xbox-adaptive-controller

So many things are modified to accommodate those with mobility issues that I'm sure it must be possible to do something on pinball. Given your love of modding is there not a way you can mod a machine to put two flipper buttons on one side and operate them with different fingers, or maybe a foot switch for one flipper? Would take some getting used to, but might be an option?
Great you've found a way to look for the positives.

For video games, Microsoft now have an adaptive controller which may help: https://www.xbox.com/en-gb/xbox-one/accessories/controllers/xbox-adaptive-controller

So many things are modified to accommodate those with mobility issues that I'm sure it must be possible to do something on pinball. Given your love of modding is there not a way you can mod a machine to put two flipper buttons on one side and operate them with different fingers, or maybe a foot switch for one flipper? Would take some getting used to, but might be an option?

Ta. I’ve considered it but I want to play properly and recover to do so. It’d be feasible to wire both flippers up to be fired from one button or another finger on my good hand etc.

I guess whilst there’s hope that I will make a reasonable recovery, mods of this type till will wait or in a way I’ve accepted the problem, if that makes sense?

Also I’ve got nice machines I don’t wish to start hacking. I might do Godzilla though as it’s got a 2nd button for skill post (turned off)
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