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What do these do ?


Apr 4, 2016
I'm currently installing my new BSD coffin mod and will be integrating the coffin lock lights into it somehow. I want snip the sockets off the wiring but doing will remove the resistor thingies from the bulb holder circuit. What do they do and will this be a problem if they are not in the circuit ?

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Thank you guys - bound to be there for a reason. I'll keep them in the circuit

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These won't affect the switch matrix, and if not there or reversed will cause other lamps to be on when they shouldn't. A missing diode will not damage anything.
Lamp matrix and switch matrix are separate circuits. The diodes help the circuit identify which switch has been pressed or which lamp to light.
Diodes kept in the circuit. The lock lights now reside underneath to illuminate the Dracula in his coffin mod and are working fine

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The two lock lights are purple to give it a glow. Red Flashers are installed too

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