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Weed Pinball


Jun 22, 2015
Hello Pinball fans!

I am Emil from PluraGames company. We are currently creating a Pinball game with a special thematic but also with special type of game-play which has story-line, online competitions, offline competitions etc.

Its a very interesting game and I would love your guys support but also feedback on what you like and don't like as we are creating this game for all Pinball and Weed enthusiasts.

Please support and share our indiegogo campaign: www.indiegogo.com/projects/weed-pinball

All support is appreciated! Guys share your thoughts and opinions. I will check the forum everyday for replies! Thanks!
While I wish you well for your game, why does it take $10k to make it?

If the theme appealed to me I might consider buying a copy of the finished product but there' no way that I'd pay for the developers living costs.
Guys share your thoughts and opinions. I will check the forum everyday for replies! Thanks!

My thoughts are that normalising drug taking, especially through gaming is unacceptable.
As for the investor levels ranging from stoner thru pothead to dealer, with a free lighter and pipe, well you know where you can stick them.

Go and sponge off of your own kind!
Its a very interesting game and I would love your guys support but also feedback on what you like and don't like as we are creating this game for all Pinball and Weed enthusiasts.

first off, the concept of preorder pinball died about three months ago, real or emulated, so i'm afraid you missed the bus.
lots of pinheads either used to smoke weed or still do, but i doubt too many of us would want a weed-themed pinball as that's kind of adolescent.
i'm sure we've all known plenty of potheads - well known for lots of ideas but zero energy or staying power to get anything done, just because .... meh becaue they're stoners
the game itself looks really boring and crap, sorry, i would be amazed if anyone would want to play more than one ball. your direct competition is called Pinball Arcade and they offer a much better product that is based on games with a proven gameplay fun factor. not those empty playfields with nothing to do. we're not 4 years old.
lastly, no pot smoker wants to be called a junky. sorry Emil but your project won't be getting much love in the UK.
did you guys really already invest $30K in this thing?
jesus wept

Looks like a pile of steaming ****e to me.
Wow. Just wow. So far off the mark its almost funny.
Sorry, but it's not something I'm interested in at all.
Thank you for the feedback guys. The 10k is not for living expenses, I know you guys dont create games but 10k is a small amount and we already paid 30+k. Because you need equipment and only one software costs 1000+ $. And this is for only one.
Lol my own kind, its just a game that has different thematic that has not been used in pinball before, if you played a round of multiplayer you would have changed your mind. And normalizing drug use through games? wait, what about normalization of killing people in every FPS and all GTA games. Your making a big fuss about nothing its just a fun game with different thematic, I respect your opinion but today's games are much worse then this.

CoolDan I appreciate your opinions, we never wanted to insult anyone with calling them junkies and if you can when the game comes out, it will be free for android so give it a try, maybe you change your mind if not then your initial thoughts were correct.
Mmmm and Heighways think they've got it bad.

Prone to spliff in a pipe bucket myself sometimes but this doesn't grab you much. Gone are the times where you could've started off with a small server? sell some games, bigger server, sell more, turn into Richard Branston move to Caribbean?
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