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Long distance seller Czech Republic
£2719 +160? Is that what these go for?

Look at this on xeBay
Pinball Gottlieb FREDDY A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET - 1994 - Only 2800 Produced
should have kept mine as my friend Jon wants one but after turning down a tatty one at 250 8 years ago the price shot up but shot up to 700 not 3 grand lol should be a 1k game as nothing special. FYI mine in 1999 before I knew Jon cost £50 sold £200
This was my very first pinball, must of been 20 years ago, I got it from Chris Jackson £350 who later setup arcade warehouse.
Anyway we needed the room and it had a fault so I put it in the paper as there was no Pinball group then or Facebook, nobody was interested, so I stripped it and hung the playfield up in the shed and the rest went to the tip !
Sold my piece of crap one for about 700 a year or two back. Don't miss it much but the head is super-realistic and impressively scary. Definitely not for kids.
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