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Vpin graphics card what one?


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Nov 5, 2015
Have a 3 screen v pin i want to upgrade the computer on.
The computer i have is I7 6700 with 16gb ram but what card should i get?
Its currently running a HD monitor as the main screen that im happy graphics wise with but was thinking incase in the future i decide to swop it out for 4k? Or is there no point and just look at best 1080 card i can get for now?
Pick Holder, Andy B and paulg100 have been a great help but dont want to pester them 🤣
GTX1050ti 4GB. Has been mentioned but not sure if that covers 4k
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I think a 1050 might be a bit underpowered for 4k, but no expert.

A guy on Reddit reckons a 3060 running 4k 120hz with 3 screen setup has the GPU at 80 to 90 percent when having pup packs as well.

Not sure about GPU ram requirements for Vpin as most modern games use large texture files that take up a lot of memory which is why they need large amounts of ram, not sure if a lot is needed for VPX etc.
Cheers chris.. Its the vpin from pinballheaven i picked up.. Its great but struggles on some of the more modern games.
I just want to upgrade the computer side really so i can play (original pins) not looking for the upgraded versions with all the extras.
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If you want Ray tracing (real time lighting effects) implemented by Pinball FX as an example, then you'll want an RTX based Nvidia card (ideally). Any 10 Series cards (1080ti as an example) won't provide RTX support. The 20 Series had it, but it was in its infancy back then so performance isn't great.

30 series and 40 series have a mature offering of it now.

In all honest you can grab like a second hand 3080 for £400 now which would wipe the floor with anything pinball wise you throw at it.

All depends on your budget and needs.

If I was going down the virtual route, I'd want it as close to real as possible. So for me at least that would mean a high definition (2k - 4k panel) with either Gsync or Freesync compatibility and a low latency/high refresh rate panel.

Seen too many vpin's done on the cheap and those balls ghosting on the screen just look plain terrible.
Cheers for the replys guys :)
Yeah to be honest im happy with the graphics as they are its the slowdown on the current pc setup.
The only upgrades i want to add to the setup is pinscape nudge board and plunger bracket with pot thats it really no solenoids or anything.
The pins in a bedroom so dont want anything too noisy.
Only want to play real pins as they are no addons.
4K card idea was just incase in the future i decide to swop the screen out maybe its not worth the bother if im not doing it yet?
4k is a must imo and a total game changer so my advise is change screen and graphics card at the same time. Believe me you will thank yourself later and experience the best VPin has to offer.

A used RTX 2080ti will just about cover your needs here and can be had around for around £2-250. Or stretch a little further to a RTX 3070 for slightly more around £250-300

Remember there is no such thing as future proof as ballparks move every few years! But staying a couple of generations behind lets sad gamers like myself spend the crazy money on cards that filter down the food chain every time the best ever card is released.

Same advice goes for iPhones and in some respects pinball 😂
Cheers Col.. Im wondering if its gonna be worth the bother getting a 4k card if im not swopping the screen out anyway yet 🤔
Through the week i play them on the ps5 this vpin is at the parents in a bedroom so itll only be used maybe once a week if im not playing my real pins.
As i say im happy with the graphics now (and its probably a real low end card fitted)

Btw I never get the latest phones im happy with my £100 samsung 😆
I have a GTX1050 4GB in my old VPin PC which Im in the process of upgrading, eventually, that ran 1080P ok in FX3 and VPX(Only tried Tron, Rollergames and TNA), but it struggled badly when I added the PUP pack for TNA, but not sure if that was due to the processor and using onboard video for the 3rd/DMD screen which Ive read doesnt help with performance.
Having build many 4k machines I would say if you run pinup popper, coloured dmds then you have to get a 3070 or 3080

Dont bother with amd/radeon.

Stick with nvidia.

A 20xx, 16xx card wont do 4k in 2024

I think Col built his a few years ago but the software needs more power.

You need 8gb graphic card minimum.

Pinball fx3 isnt as gpu dependent as vpx
Having build many 4k machines I would say if you run pinup popper, coloured dmds then you have to get a 3070 or 3080

Dont bother with amd/radeon.

Stick with nvidia.

A 20xx, 16xx card wont do 4k in 2024

I think Col built his a few years ago but the software needs more power.

You need 8gb graphic card minimum.

Pinball fx3 isnt as gpu dependent as vpx

Cheers Phil i know you mentioned the 1050Ti for standard 1080p is there any others i could keep an eye out for .. I see the 1660 super has good reviews
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A 1070 is fine at 1080p and a 1660 super is roughly the same performance so anything around there should do you fine. The 1070 you will probably find a bit cheaper on the used market and it comes with an extra 2GB VRam at 8GB
A 1070 is fine at 1080p and a 1660 super is roughly the same performance so anything around there should do you fine. The 1070 you will probably find a bit cheaper on the used market and it comes with an extra 2GB VRam at 8GB
Thats great thank you 🙂
GTX1050Ti 4GB version.

All you need for 1080 main screen.

Do not buy the cheap ones (like I told you about in the messages).

In fact - just look at the message I sent you via PM a couple of weeks ago.

1660 I did not rate or the 1650 - did not see an upgrade from the 1050

You can get a good used GTX1050TI 4GB for around £50.
GTX1050Ti 4GB version.

All you need for 1080 main screen.

Do not buy the cheap ones (like I told you about in the messages).

In fact - just look at the message I sent you via PM a couple of weeks ago.

1660 I did not rate or the 1650 - did not see an upgrade from the 1050

You can get a good used GTX1050TI 4GB for around £50.

Cheers phil yeah ive been seeing alot of the fake ones even on ebay with the vga ports
Personally I wouldn't put a 1050 in my kids pc!

Get a secondhand 2060super here it is compared to a 1050ti https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-2060S-Super-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1050-Ti/4049vs3649

I'd chuck a secondhand 2060super 2070super or 2080super or ti in it depending on your budget. espcially if using pup packs, or as others have said step up to RTX30xx if budget is no issue

I think @Crewey was having trouble running pup packs on his, I think he had a 1050 in his or something similar?
Never had issues with a 1050TI 4gb and pup packs etc.

Prob built about 20 of the things over the past decade.

Knowing that the OP is putting this into a budget vpin then for £50 it is ideal. Cheapest 2060 on ebay now is 3 times that. Most average at £200-225. If you are spending that - then just go for 3060/3070 and then that will run 4K.......

Sure you can always say 'stick in a 2060' or 'stick in a 3070' etc - there is always something better.

I doubt the screens will display anymore than 60HZ anyway.....

You can do a lot of tinkering on vpins with the PC to make them run better.

For example on a 1080 system now - I would actually go back to windows 7 64bit - as I have a slimmed down version that gets rid of a load of the stuff you do not need.

Win 10 just wants to get online, constantly update.

The times on vpins - win10 seems to want to re-arrage the order of monitors is beyond a joke.
1050ti are ewaste
2060supers are about £150/£180 wouldn't pay more than that
I've been building pc's since 2002

You can do a lot of tinkering on vpins with the PC to make them run better.
I'm sure he'd rather be playing pinball than tinkering 🙂
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Im confused.

Seeing a lot of comments about the cards beginning 1*** not being up to the job 4K wise.

I installed a Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 8gb GDDR2 in the VP I just finished.

To my untrained eye the graphics on it look awesome and are definitely in 4k according to screen resolution displayed on my TV screen (though TV can only do 60hz maximum).

Admittedly it can’t do the PupPacks except the HPGOF one which seems to work fine so if I did want to go all out I would need to upgrade for those.

Presumably I will see no improvements graphically/image quality wise if I stick to just regular tables with DMDs and upgrade the card maybe just performance wise?

I ask because I’m bored of the project now so, once the VPin artwork from Retro Refurbs arrives and I install that, I will probably look to sell it on. I thought it was a fairly decent build but I’m wondering how much better it would be to upgrade say to a 3070? What kind of improvements would I see if I chucked an extra £300 at it (Amazon price)?
It’s all about frame rates and even on my trusty 5yr old I7 RTX 2080Ti (putting Zens Pinball FX to one side which runs perfect) A lot of the VPin stuff when loaded up with packs and using 3 screens starts to suffer.
Any slight lag, stutter or frame drop just spoils the experience for me but maybe I’m being a little too fussy.
Running one of the flagship tables all singing and dancing during a multiball should be the highlight of the game not a constant tweak in graphical setting to get it up to scratch.

Like I said I’m probs asking too much but why settle for good enough for a few extra sheckles
Remember there is already VPW in the works this is more demanding again so worth that extra step.
Was under the impression VPW was the name given to the group of people who are doing certain games to a high standard.

Still works within PinMAME and VPX.

Also worth pointing out that if your motherboard has an inbuilt GPU - use that to run backglass and/or DMD screen. As the OP has 16gb ram - he can afford to set the onboard GPU to using 2GB of it.

Alot of VP is single thread. VPX I feel runs better still using the 32bit version.

Also steer away from VPX10.8 - so many bugs. Stay at 10.7.

If you have trouble with PUP running on certain tables, there are things you can do that really do help.

Without looking it up on a back up drive its changing one setting and putting a text config file.

It is doubtful that the screens on the vpin mentioned on this thread will do anything higher than 1080 at 60fps.

But hey - I know nothing. Only been building PCs since the early 90s and was multiple Microsoft certified in the last century.
It is doubtful that the screens on the vpin mentioned on this thread will do anything higher than 1080 at 60fps.
You still want the main playfield pinned at 60fps. running 2 or 3 screens, pup packs, The VPW pins and all the bells and whistles your going to struggle to maintain 60fps with a 1050. Even colywobbles said his 2080ti struggled? but I'm not sure what size or hz monitors he is using.

Also worth pointing out that if your motherboard has an inbuilt GPU - use that to run backglass and/or DMD screen. As the OP has 16gb ram - he can afford to set the onboard GPU to using 2GB of it
If you have trouble with PUP running on certain tables, there are things you can do that really do help.
Again, I'm sure he'd rather be playing pinball than wasting time tweaking and googling :)

It's worth just paying the extra for a better card. Buy once cry once
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Was under the impression VPW was the name given to the group of people who are doing certain games to a high standard.

Still works within PinMAME and VPX.

Also worth pointing out that if your motherboard has an inbuilt GPU - use that to run backglass and/or DMD screen. As the OP has 16gb ram - he can afford to set the onboard GPU to using 2GB of it.

Alot of VP is single thread. VPX I feel runs better still using the 32bit version.

Also steer away from VPX10.8 - so many bugs. Stay at 10.7.

If you have trouble with PUP running on certain tables, there are things you can do that really do help.

Without looking it up on a back up drive its changing one setting and putting a text config file.

It is doubtful that the screens on the vpin mentioned on this thread will do anything higher than 1080 at 60fps.

But hey - I know nothing. Only been building PCs since the early 90s and was multiple Microsoft certified in the last century.
I’m not doubting your skill set in this department Phil and agree with the fact all aforementioned cards will struggle on anything higher than 1080p 60fps
I go overkill because I can, not because I have too and I admit not everyone can’t afford this luxury or justify the expense.

While over TPF I intend to buy a 4080 super to save a couple of £100’s otherwise I’d be upgrading to a 4070Ti super around the same cost here in Blighty as best bang for buck.
Whereas my mate on this very forum (name withheld but welcome to pipe in) has bought a 4090 which I have experienced running a VR race rig and it’s mind blowing!

Sadly the most I play nowadays PC wise is Fortnite or helldivers 2 which don’t need the horsepower but look dam good in 4k on a 48in OLED gaming monitor running 120 fps. Not a TV!

As a side note as it seems to crop up a lot I built my 1st PC in the late 80s but switched to an Amiga due to the lack of games back then.
I had my own business building, selling, repairing and upgrading PCs in early 2000’s before the bubble burst. Probably like many on here have also done I’m assuming.

After all these years I still don’t profess to being an expert by any stretch of the imagination but I can certify I have wasted a small fortune trying to keep up with the latest flagship cards to this very day.

I know what I like and I know works for me.

Just sayin
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Sorry to hijack your thread a little Steven but I’m sure you won’t mind and in any case it continues the discussion on the graphics card topic.

I understand all the comments about FPS being critical to the VP experience but if I only have a 60hz 4K TV in my build then best I’m going to get is 60fps right?

There are a couple/few of the better looking tables on mine that have a tiny, tiny bit of stutter. The VPW ones, which look gorgeous, seem to be more susceptible to this. When I say stuttering I don’t mean lagging, I mean sometimes it appears a little flick book animationly (now there’s a new phrase I coined 😊). Nothing that affects the actual gameplay in terms of when I press the flipper buttons the flippers respond instantly - just looks a bit “off”.

I’m guessing what’s been said here with all the comments and that observation I just made about my own machine is maybe the lower end graphics cards are not always capable of pushing out at 60fps?

On the back of all this talk I ordered a 3060 card from Amazon yesterday which I will test today but I remember there was some kind of function key you could press in game that would bring up stats, including fps, on screen during a game so I’m gonna try and bring that up and see what I’m getting fps wise from my 1070 on one of the better tables like The Flintstones also.

I shall report back accordingly with a layman’s perspective.
I know Col, but as the OP is on a budget - I told him what he could do to get the job done. With the lowest £

1080 screens will work with a 1050ti 4gb. No trouble at all. I have never said that a 1050ti 4gb would run 4K - you have zero chance.

I have a PC here I put together with a 3.4ghz 3rd gen i5, 8gb ram and above card.

It runs 3 screens fine, as this is more than likely going into the other vpin that was purchased from china.

I see little point making an entry level vpin with a 2070/3070 card in it when the screens only run 1080 60fps.

If budget was no issue - then the PF screen would be coming out. A £1000+ monitor with 120/144hz 4K would be installed but these builds do not warrant it.

And Highland - a virtual pin takes HOURS OF TWEAKING. In an hour I can get one working - but the final details etc needs some work.... No matter what level you build - they are far from plug and play. Every build is different.
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