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vector eos gap


Jul 10, 2015
any one know what the gap is for eos
on a vector and what do you use
to check it.
a credit card or piece of card etc
thanks for info:)
The general "standard" for the EOS gap is 1/8-inch or about 3mm. There's no need to measure it super accurately as it's more about tweaking the switch to get the right "feel" in the flipper rather than setting an exact gap. Just make sure it's wide enough so there's a clean break to minimise arcing which will damage and char the contacts prematurely. Just move the flipper back and forth to see how the arm pushes the switch open and closed. The later the switch breaks contact the more powerful the flipper will be as the high-power coil will be in circuit longer (actually, the high-power coil is always in circuit; when the EOS opens the lower-power hold coil is brought into the circuit). But this might not be what a particular flipper needs. The upper flippers on VECTOR are a case in point, particularly the upper-right on the upper playfield, especially if fitted with the "wrong" 3-inch bat. Tweaking this for maximum power is likely to create a flipper that will pulverise the X-Y-Z drop targets!

Old credit/store cards however make great flipper gap tools ;) Just cut a slot in one end that's just wide enough to go around the flipper shaft. Either wedge it in between the underside of the bat and bushing on the topside of the playfield, or between the bushing and lever arm on the underside, when adjusting and tightening the flipper. This will give the correct amount of vertical play in the flipper. Just enough to move freely, not so much it's rattling around.
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exactly the info i wanted 1 of the switches had a gap bigger than that
whats the best method to bend the arm :D
You can get a proper tweaking tool but it's just a rod with a thin slit in the end. You can do the same with a pair of needle-nose pliers. The metal strips are fairly thin though so you can also just fettle them around with your fingers I find!
Vector is highly sensitive to how you set the eos switches as there is so much in this game that the upper and lower playfields are both tight . The eos are the easy way to regulate how powerful each of the 4 flippers are

It is not so much the gap, it is more the point at which the switch triggers that determines the power

As peter said, it is all trial and error to set these. And you will need to tailor each one. If you let vector be too powerful it will smash your upper drop targets and also smash the entrance to the vectorscan ramp

My paragon and fathom are similar aged ballys that required no such tailoring. But if you get the eos on vector right, it transforms it into a great and very playable game
thanks to both also liked drd your stay in or come out shame it got locked;)
Whilst we're on the subject of adjusting VECTOR I'm just about to start a full strip-down and restoration of the playfield topside on mine just like I did to my GOLD BALL. I'll no doubt post way too much waffle and photos on my shop log! Also, will try to make my own custom Lexan playfield protector like I did for GB although this time I'm going to try a "loose fit" style. Want to get it all done in 5 weeks as will hopefully be taking VECTOR, and GB, to the Northern Lights Pinball show at Manchester Event City on 9-11th October ;)
look forward to that, i like it when there's 2 of something and we can compare stuff. i hope they put them next to each other
Peter, I am only arriving saturday morning at about 8-30, so could you try to bag a berth next to your vector for me pls ?
Sure @DRD, I'll remind/ask whoever's there when I unload on Friday to mark a spot for you VECTOR. I'm hoping to squeeze in my GOLD BALL too so maybe leave a 1 pin gap in between?

@replicas, still need to get 100% confirmation that I'm coming but as I said, it's looking 99%.
Beach towel down ?, landmine it ?, horse manure ?, graze pigs on the spot ?
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