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Utterly OT: Kim Fowleys last wishes


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
I like weird and maverick people and Kim Fowley falls firmly into that category (If you don't know the name then he was most famous for his work with the Runaways/Joan Jett etc)

However, I've just discovered his dying wish was to be on the front cover of a certain specialist magazine.

This magazine actually exists, it's not a weird April fools joke. I'm not going to post the cover here but the link is below....


Kim's the coverstar on the RHS,

What the **** is that all about?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Sure I like girls in skimpy outfits and everybody dies but as a combination it's a bit niche isn't it?

Can't help wondering what the articles inside are. Who do you think their adverts are for?

So many questions:confused:

#Cooldan are you a subscriber?

I'd also like to point out before I'm branded a total pervert that I found the mag via a link from a Rock website and I wasn't putting in weird combinations of words while one hand surfing.
Woah that looks awesome, kinda like Bizarre when that first came out. I like the finger keychain, but if I buy all 4 I can get $14 off [emoji2]

@mission65 have you set up that deposit box in Florida yet for us to post our US crap to?
it's a niche area. this is not for me, but some may enjoy it.
the pics are awesome though, these chicks obviously have a sense of humour

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  • Th_Melsa_GC_D202_Asm.jpg
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So not for you Dan but you decided to spend a couple of hours checking the site out just to confirm that it "wasn't for you"......;)

Reminds me of Mary Whitehouse who had to spend hours watching porn to ensure that no one else could see it.
Wow John lol. Your whole growing up years was protected by not watching ITV but somehow you sneaked in soft necrophilia :D:D
With no TV allowed before 13:00 I guess I had to find other interests to fill my time. :oops::oops::oops:

Remember going to see the Damned a few years back and discovered the dubious world of Furverts. Had no idea that it was anything else but a normal gig as I was guestlisted but half way through the night I went to the toilet and met a man in a dinner Jacket wearing the head of a Rabbit. Hmm, bit strange I thought. Came out and discovered loads of other people hand turned out also dressed in similar ways. Only then discovered that it was Bizarre magazines winter ball.

Best gig I've been to since the early 90s, full of absolutely stunning women dressed in pretty much nothing and totally deviant blokes. Made all the more amusing as I had no idea what was going on until that point. Evening got more and more surreal as it went on with contortionists and the circus of horror on stage. Thought Ive was there but it turned out to be a bloke dressed as Jesus complete with cross and crown of throns. Music from the Damned and Tiger Lillies. Totally top night. Toyed with posting a few pics of the crowd but not sure if should on a public forum.

Had to buy a book about it to explain to some of the people I worked with what it was all about. Then discovered buying a book entitled "Furverts" to give to women I didn't know very well at the time was also

Haha, very good! Furverts would make the weirdest pin since Wrestlemania. I hope that hen is a bird inside costume though.
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