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Unresponsive Phantom


King for a day
10 Years
May 3, 2013
Hi guys, hope someone can help, my POTO has been doing my head in lately. It's been 26 years since it's had a thorough clean so I thought I'd wade in and deep clean it. It looks GREAT but now doesn't work :(

Re-soldered new fuse clips on:
Playfield power board
Main power board
Flipper control board
Cleaned playfield
Left the main CPU board in there, didn't touch that one. No connectors browned/burnt.

The game would boot and play BEFORE I did all this but all I get now is the GI and nothing else. No attract display, no main display, no 'I'm the phantom of the opera' callout, nothing!o_O

I've checked the connectors and have them reseated in their correct places. All fuses are OK - what have I missed?

If anyone can offer some advice I'd be very grateful.
Cheers Andy:rolleyes:
Have u checked the ribbon cables are connected properly and the right way around? I had these symptoms on bsd and I'd managed to put one of the ribbon cables on only 1 row of pins
Pretty sure that some DE games have an extra door interlock switch which prevents the game from booting until it's either made or not (can't remember which way round), might be worth checking to see if there's a wire off one of the door switches...
Im not familiar with the dataeast system 2 but it should be in the manual or marked on the boards.
I'd check all the test points
er ok, I'm not the greatest expert with a multimeter but I'll have a go - cheers
And now I cant remember which way the ribbon cable went originally. Can only see one interlock on the coin door, need to check 5v
And now I cant remember which way the ribbon cable went originally. Can only see one interlock on the coin door, need to check 5v
Ribbon cables can go either way, just need to ensure that each end is aligned the same way with the header pins, one side of the cable is often marked with a red stripe or similar to assist.
Ah right! Ill investigate in a bit. Thanks sarge :thumbs: it just seems weird as ive put everything back as it was. Ill report back later
Convention says that the red banded side of a ribbon cable should be at pin 1 of a header which is more often that not marked on the boards themselves.
I have had this with Data East games and it was the simplest of things, on the CPU swap the plugs round on CN13 and CN14 they will both fit on either and they are not keyed, terrible design but it has caught me out a couple of times!! Fingers crossed :)
great! thanks Matt, I'll give it a go. Anything is worth a shot at the moment :)
It sounds like you have a power supply problem. The cpu and sound pcb boot separately. The speech would say it's boot up phrase even if the cpu was not running or mis connected. As both sound and cpu are not running the common root is the power supply. Make sure you haven't missed any connections or broken any traces where you've reworked the power board.
Just in case anyone's interested o_O...
..Phantom lives! I finally got round to it and traced the problem to a dry joint on one of those fuse holders on the power supply board, thanks to Andy's nudge in the right direction. Mind you I had replaced the whole lot of them on the PSB, PPB and flipper control board too, basically all of them :-o Some were ok but the majority were very brittle and just snapped off with the slightest touch. I'd also got the ribbon cable to the display the wrong way round :cuckoo:
I'm just chuffed to bits it works again.

Just a couple of more things cosmetically I need to do on the PF and it'll be good as new again.
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