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UK Pinball League Website

Wayne J

Site Supporter
Jul 22, 2011
Good morning all,

After many years of maintaining the UKPL website, Nick Hill has decided to step down from his unpaid labour of love.

When I first rekindled my love of pinball, nearly 10 years ago, the UKPL website was the first place I discovered that there were people who actually owned machines in their house, rather than them just being an arcade machine found by the seaside. It provided links as to who to contact to be able to join the league, details of other competitions away from the league, links to people who could repair machines or places I could buy spare parts. As my interest grew, it was a place I could look up the latest league results and standings as well as seeing the history of who the players who were dominating the high score tables - the people I set my targets as being as good as. Once I became first Regional Coordinator for the Midlands, then overall Coordinator I started looking through the vast swathes of data available regarding machine highscores, average scores and spent way too much time over analysing all of this data in an effort to try and pick the perfect machine to use in competitions as well as setting myself targets as to what a decent score was.

None of this would have been available if it wasn't for the tireless effort and hard work put in by Nick, and for that I thank him not only personally, but in my role as UKPL Coordinator, as do the other Regional Coordinators and everyone associated with running the UKPL.

Unfortunately the website was setup many years ago, and as things have progressed various bits have been added on in an ad hoc manner meaning that no one but Nick would really understand the complexities required to update the site with new results data.

As such we need a new UKPL Website creating and maintaining. What I know about creating a website could be written on the back of a stamp (with a marker pen), so we are looking for a volunteer to create a website fit to show off the UKPL in the 21st century. Ideally the same person would then continue to maintain the website and update as results come in, but if the option for each Regional Coordinator to be able to input the results after each league meeting, so much the better.

If anyone is interested in taking on this task, please drop me a pm and I'll discuss it with the rest of the Coordinators as to who would be the best fit. (Nick will be able to hand over all of the data files for all of the scores over the history of the UKPL so we do not have to start from scratch)

Once again, I'd just like to express my gratitude to Nick for all the work he has done over the years in promoting the UKPL through maintaining the website.
Good morning all,

After many years of maintaining the UKPL website, Nick Hill has decided to step down from his unpaid labour of love.

When I first rekindled my love of pinball, nearly 10 years ago, the UKPL website was the first place I discovered that there were people who actually owned machines in their house, rather than them just being an arcade machine found by the seaside. It provided links as to who to contact to be able to join the league, details of other competitions away from the league, links to people who could repair machines or places I could buy spare parts. As my interest grew, it was a place I could look up the latest league results and standings as well as seeing the history of who the players who were dominating the high score tables - the people I set my targets as being as good as. Once I became first Regional Coordinator for the Midlands, then overall Coordinator I started looking through the vast swathes of data available regarding machine highscores, average scores and spent way too much time over analysing all of this data in an effort to try and pick the perfect machine to use in competitions as well as setting myself targets as to what a decent score was.

None of this would have been available if it wasn't for the tireless effort and hard work put in by Nick, and for that I thank him not only personally, but in my role as UKPL Coordinator, as do the other Regional Coordinators and everyone associated with running the UKPL.

Unfortunately the website was setup many years ago, and as things have progressed various bits have been added on in an ad hoc manner meaning that no one but Nick would really understand the complexities required to update the site with new results data.

As such we need a new UKPL Website creating and maintaining. What I know about creating a website could be written on the back of a stamp (with a marker pen), so we are looking for a volunteer to create a website fit to show off the UKPL in the 21st century. Ideally the same person would then continue to maintain the website and update as results come in, but if the option for each Regional Coordinator to be able to input the results after each league meeting, so much the better.

If anyone is interested in taking on this task, please drop me a pm and I'll discuss it with the rest of the Coordinators as to who would be the best fit. (Nick will be able to hand over all of the data files for all of the scores over the history of the UKPL so we do not have to start from scratch)

Once again, I'd just like to express my gratitude to Nick for all the work he has done over the years in promoting the UKPL through maintaining the website.

Thanks Nick.

I’d be up for building this site. What I’d like is for a collection of clear requirements (beyond my own view) so I can build the right thing.


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Huge thanks for Nick for his efforts over the years :thumbs: The UK League website was also one of the first places I found out about the UK pinball community as well.

Nice one to Neil for volunteering to take over :D
It may be a good idea to get a team to contribute to the site, I'm not saying you aren't capable Neil but a team would bring more benefits IMO, just a thought.
I have (basic/medium) experience in Wordpress. I also have a reseller hosting package we can host it on for free. I am happy to become part of the team that builds this, and have some basic architecture ideas around meet submissions and devolution of responisbility, as I imagine it is managed now. I don't want to run it, but I am happy to help.

Examples of sites:



Not sure if I've ever met Nick, but I certainly know the name from his work on the UKPL site over the years. Outstanding effort.

I'll also throw my hat into the ring as a senior software engineer. Without wanting to dampen anyone's ambition here, I think if we're going to do this properly it's a considerable amount of work. I'm not thinking this is just a manually updated Wordpress site for example. This should be a dynamic site with a database backend, and ideally have a REST API for result submissions and further expansion by hobbyists (over lockdown I was fantasising about writing a mobile app to manage league meets, and if it can speak to a public API that might work nicely)

So yeah, if someone wants to organise a team and start talking architecture, I'm happy to join.
I'd like to extend my sincere thanks to Nick for his amazing effort over the years in setting up and running the league website especially for the best part of the 10 years or so that I was in charge of the league before Wayne.

Nick was really responsive to my ideas for the extra information we could include like the lists of all meets winners and high scores along with contributing some of his own like player rankings and machines played whilst setting up the website in a really easy to follow and user friendy way. It's a tribute to Nick that Wayne found the webste such an abundant source of data. Nick was also really quick and efficient in updating meet results promptly which is a key requirement once the website has been set up and is running smothly.

I hope whoever takes it over keeps all the current information and analyses that we originally set up.

Many thanks to Nick, you're a legend and unsung hero!
well I'd like to know what the ask is In more detail before I cloud it with my own judgement! Agree with Paul that its not a Wordpress site. Also knowing the average tech clue level for pinball players and regional co-ordinators that ease of use and pragmatic capabilities probably first requirement, API's for smarty pants like Paul and me more of a nice to have at some point in the future but again that's just my own view on what the requirements are. Some thing that runs a presents news, runs a schedule, allows registration, stores results and scores seems like 90% of it.

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I'd also like to add my thanks to Nick for all the time and effort he put into the site over the years.
It will be sad to see him step down after all this time but I think he has earn a rest from all the hard work he dedicated to the UK pinball league .
Massive thanks from me , you will be missed.
I'm maxed out at the moment I'm afraid, already working on a software project outside my 9-5 software job so not viable, however once things change I'll get in touch it will be a fun project.
Nick has done a fantastic job.
The league website is one I use a lot, and it's the first place I point people who approach me to join the Northern league
It's simple and easy to use and contains all the info I need from it
However, I'm sure that under the hood it is probably messy and inefficient, as many systems that evolve over the years often are, and that must be very demanding on Nick's time

I've really enjoyed my interactions with Nick over the years when submitting our monthly results
We share a love of serious walking so we always have a bit of a personal update

So I'd like to add my huge thanks for everything he has done for the league over these many years
Big Thanks to Nick "The Grinder" Hill.
Known Nick since 2008 and he always started with a normal conversation which eventually turned to b@@lox, which suited me.
The Grinder came from Nick playing Peter Blakemore's Pink Panther. He was on there for ages and scored very little. I suggested that he was Cliff Thorburn of Pinball, so we agreed that the Grinder was an appropriate name 😊
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