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UK Pinball group, anyone still bother?

Judge Dreads

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Y Felinheli
Not been on there for years (doesn't help that I forgot my email password), does anyone still bother with it?, I remember pre-forum there was doubt on there whether a forum would work etc etc, think it's fair to say that it's a 100% success so what happened to the group?, still kicking on all 6 cylinders or passé? can't say I miss it :D
I never actually log-on any more. Still get the daily (ish) digests via e-mail. This site is just so much easier to use.
I signed up the same time I did here and get emails sent from it but don't actively read it.

It also seems the only topics that get a few responses are ones that ask if people still post on there :rofl:
I haven't been on it since pretty much the day this place opened, so some time in 2011 I guess. They should just close it up with a final goodbye post telling anyone who finds it to come here :thumbs:
There seemed to be some people that posted on there regularly that I never saw on here, but no idea why that was/ is.

Seemed like a decent place, but like a lot of others I got tired of the crapness of Yahoo Groups itself compared to here and haven't been back for ages
I have been a member of the Yahoo group for a while, but since they started the silly "neo" nonsense, I hardly ever visit the site any more. I'm sure yahoo are trying to make using yahoo groups as difficult as possible on purpose to get rid of it.
i used to visit daily until this forum started, then it became weekly and more recently once a month.
but the last time i went to the site was probably about three months ago - so i just went for a look, and it is definitely still alive but has a bit of a bad cough at present. not actually coughing up blood, but certainly not thriving as it was. the numbers tell a story - these are individual posts i think, so down to ten a day for the last 2 months. maybe Wes is on holiday, he used to post at least ten a day when i was last there.


@Paul how do our numbers compare?
I signed up to it the same time I signed up here, but I find this site way easier to use.

So I just get the daily email, but I think there are a few on there that don't use this site so I keep checking just in case I miss out on any good deals!

Agreed it would be better if they just shut that one down, easier to have all folks in one place!

(There's also the facebook group Wes set up for buying/selling pins but doesn't seem to get a lot of use.)
I still get the individual posts as an email.

Still some usefull stuff comes from there, still some really helpful guys on there that are not on here.

Some people cant be bothered with trudging through all the post on a forum. Must say I was similar, but now I only view 'New posts' as suggest by cooldan, if the thread doesnt interest me i just mark it as read or ignore it.

Seems to be a bit of a them and us vibe about on both here and the list but whatever. Even Paul posts on there now and again :thumbs:
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I kind of like the idea that the UK pin scene can support more than one thriving community website, which allows for different formats, discussions, etc.

If only Yahoo didn't hate their groups so, so much that they want to drive new and existing users away...
I haven't been on there for months, got sick to death of the same posters posting the same crap. This site is far more interesting.
Don't use it any more and disabled the email digests. I find the whole web interface (NEO) is just so awful as to be unusable. I think there are a group of regular old-school members who like and use it because Yahoo Groups can be used totally via email. That is you get individual messages or daily digest emails and you have a conversation just by replying via email. No need to ever use that abomination of a website.
Still get emails from them but haven't been ****d to reply to one for a good 6 months+ A few interesting things come up but it's no where near as busy as 5 years ago

Nothing wrong with it, just not as easy as this place and I find the emails still are either missing or turn up in the wrong order

Not many machines seem to be offered on the group anymore which I suspect means less interest in it.
I can't stand the place (the website - not the people)

It's the absolute worst user interface experience ever. I can't work out what is going on half the time.

Even more annoyingly is that posts go into a random number generating black hole. When you reply to a message, your reply might appear anything from 1 second to 24 hours later, so you are always in danger of threads getting all confusing and out of sequence.

It's so medieval, it would be simpler to write your posts on a piece of parchment using a quill, send it to a central area by carrier pigeon, and then have the local town crier read out the messages to everyone in the village FFS :rofl:
UK Pinball was how I got really involved in the hobby back around 2004 or 5 , met loads of the established scene thru there. But times change, as others have mentioned the website/group/whatever it is ...is like something from the dark ages.

It was basic enough back in 2005, but then a few years ago Yahoo added extra layers of WTF!?! to it ! Is just frustrating in the extreme to try and follow anything on there. Ironically some of its staunchest supporters say that this place is overload and they don't have time to wade thru all the different threads, forum sections etc .....and yet within seconds I can come on here browse the 'New posts' , see if anything interesting is going down .........meanwhile over on Yahoo I'm still trying to find the original post in some thread or other to see what the hell its all about.

Its funny to think that at one time I ws vocal in my doubts about a 'new' forum ......thank god @Paul didnt listen to me , and what purpose it would serve. How wrong I was :rofl:, 3000+ posts later :eek: , an admin position ( :cuckoo: yeah me too :D ) ....and I think its ACE . It really is a fun , friendly online place to hang out and talk pinball/shoot the sh*t and comes with its own bunch of resident 'characters' - naming no names.

Pinballinfo frickin ROCKS , you know it :thumbs:

Here's the Stooges , for no reason other than they frickin rock too :cool:

Thumbs up from me just for the Stooges track.

I haven't used the Yahoo Group for a long time. Must be 2 years ish.

It's a shame that some of the regs from there just won't migrate over here. I understand that everybody has different preferences but this is where it's at now in terms of content, games for sale, number of members, banter etc.

Plus Dan can post gifs here.
It's a shame that some of the regs from there just won't migrate over here. I understand that everybody has different preferences but this is where it's at now in terms of content, games for sale, number of members, banter etc.

It's like choosing to use a horse and cart after the car was invented. Why would you drive a horse and cart? Unless you like the smell of horse fart.
i used to visit daily until this forum started, then it became weekly and more recently once a month.
but the last time i went to the site was probably about three months ago - so i just went for a look, and it is definitely still alive but has a bit of a bad cough at present. not actually coughing up blood, but certainly not thriving as it was. the numbers tell a story - these are individual posts i think, so down to ten a day for the last 2 months. maybe Wes is on holiday, he used to post at least ten a day when i was last there.

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@Paul how do our numbers compare?



I think Jan was when we had the last software move..

Key is top right - so the equivalent of "posts" is new messages... Therefore taking December, 2715 posts Vs 287 (152 new threads), July 4877 posts Vs 580 posts (200 new threads).

However, apparently according to some it's quieter here than there. Can someone explain this to me please, as i'm obviously not getting it :)
Check out July! What happened there? Everybody getting all of their messages out en masse before ****ing off in August on holiday by the looks of it!
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The part I'm most surprised about is the tail-off during winter 2014. Prior to that from Feb to Oct it was chugging along at about 3,000-4,000 per month (I second @Fintan Stack's analysis of holiday season is right along with school holidays). So why the drop down to about 2,000 per month for Nov and Dec? Nice to see Jan 2015 has picked right up.

Interestingly, the new thread count has remained fairly flat, so we're not really starting any more stories, but more of us are commenting on them. I know quantity doesn't equate to quality but this site is generating roughly 10 times the content vs. the Yahoo! group.

It's easy to find new interesting content in several ways. Obviously you can just go to the FORUMS and see what topics are highlighted with new content. Great if you just fancy perusing the TECHNICAL QUESTIONS & HELP or TRICKS AND TIPS. You can also go to the NEW POSTS and see which threads have been recently updated (great for spotting the latest buzz or topics you might miss otherwise). But, if you start Following people whose posts interest you then you can get a feed of everything they post in Your News Feed (this is available from the hover-menu on your name in the top-right corner of the page). Again this is another good way of find stuff you wouldn't normally look for (as a perfect example I just found that @DRD posted this excellent review on some alternative speakers). Don't forget you can watch forums and individual threads (WATCH FORUMS and WATCHED THREADS) and opt to receive email alerts (I use this on the SHOP LOGS and FOR SALE / WANTED / TRADE).

For me though the winner on this site is multimedia. It's a doddle to attach photos and videos, either by upload or linking to external sites such as Flickr. There's a lot to look at in pinball; beautiful artwork, disastrous hack jobs, close-ups of mechanical/electrical details, members games rooms and, of course, @cooldan's GIFs ;):p
Check out July! What happened there? Everybody getting all of their messages out en masse before ****ing off in August on holiday by the looks of it!

Was this when the post spamming competition to be top poster was happening?
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