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Sold TSPP HUO. Simpsons Pinball Party


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
2 more games arriving in the summer so reluctant sale but can't keep everything!

For pics go here, and/or pm for anything else.


This is HUO, no skills posts, first owner owned it since new. I am second owner. Only put about 100 plays on it as too busy fixing em's! First owner's kids played it a while but not much so very low play example.

Not a mark around flipper buttons - zero wear.

It's pretty much as good as you can get for this title.

It is in stunning condition. Got a guy in Spain asking if I will ship to him but not sure of the logistics. And another guy to ship to Italy!

Has extra figures added as well.
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Buy this one then! TSPP is getting on a bit at 13 years old, a HUO without skill posts is going to be hard to find in the future. I'd buy this if I didn't have one already :thumbs: mines not HUO though :(
Buy this one then! TSPP is getting on a bit at 13 years old, a HUO without skill posts is going to be hard to find in the future. I'd buy this if I didn't have one already :thumbs: mines not HUO though :(
Would love to but there isn't enough room atm :mad:
That is my dilemma.

Got a guy in Italy willing to pay £3850 by bank transfer if I can put it on a pallet. Too heavy for me to do that so we shall see.
I've played this and it is a stunner, also got one on site that's been really robust and popular
Only problem with a pin in as nice a condition as that one, is that I'd be scared to play it from fear of breaking a plastic :rofl:
I agree and TBH by the time I get it delivered it wouldn't be so minty. Lack of plays does make me think that the game isn't as good as it's made out..

But I'm a convert to Stern. Couldn't see past Bally or Williams. But that POTC I have is addictive and fun. I have been known to spend hours on that game with some games taking 20mins to play..POTC is very good..
If you like long games then you will like TSPP, it's on a par with POTC to reach Four Winds takes about as long to get to as Alien Invasion, I have almost got to both but never quite made it, keeps me coming back. Both great games and keepers for me (for now;)).

Shame you can't buy new plastics for TSPP.
PM sent just in case this is still available. I have SM and POTC so this could join my all Stern outfit. Will have to give the other manufacturers a go at some point.
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