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Trouble understanding imperial size bolts


Site Supporter
Dec 27, 2012
Barnstaple, Devon
it confuses me some bolt heads are in 1/4 ect and some are 6/32 ect and it confuses the hell out of me. What is the equivalent of 1/4" in /32?
because I cant find 1/4 ones im looking for but can find 8/32 the same length lol
which look exactly the same which is what led to my confusion
It is confusing, #8 32 x1/4 means 8 gauge ( diameter ), 32 teeth per inch, 1/4 inch long. Try not to worry about it too much, I forgot most of that crap 28 years ago when my apprenticeship finished :>).
8/32 is the same as 1/4. It's also 4/16 or 16/64.

Imperial is quite easy once you get the hang of it. The smallest common size in fractions of an inch is 16th's. Imagine 1 inch = 16/16.

2/16 = 1/8
4/16 = 1/4
6/16 = 3/8
8/16 = 1/2
10/16 =5/8
12/16 = 3/4
14/16 = 7/8
16/16 = 1 inch
I don't tip the scales on that many more years than you Rudi but I have worked on old Brit cars which means I have had to do the fractions before. I gave all my old imperial tools away as I ended up with all metric good stuff and then pinball came into my life. :confused:
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