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Tombstone, that is the question?


2 10 Years
Sep 21, 2014
SW London
Ok. A daft but serious question here for a Friday.

Believe it or not I have never tombstoned my one and only TAF and it has been horizontal since I bought it. Due to a wedding party this weekend, it needs to be moved for a few days. This may seem daft to many but am I missing anything here? Wouldn't want to upset uncle Fester.

1) Remove balls and coin box.
2) Remove head bolt in back box and fold down onto cardboard/cloth.
3) Secure backbox down with ratchet.
4) Remove legs
5) life up onto back and hope for the best.

Check bottom of cabinet for screws bolts etc before going vertical.

Get a magnet on a stick and wave it around the bottom of the cab, with the power OFF!
Good advice re the glass and loose screws etc thanks. Unfortunately the bride wants a lower table for the cake.
Probably exactly what every girl want to hear on her wedding day. Will give it a go.......
Bits of cardboard under the strap to protect the cab edges.

Also true professionals position the ratchet so it is not protruding against the cabinet sides:thumbs:
if it's a retractable power cord, push it in and tape the hole.

If it's a BWS backbox lock, either remove it or tape it down, maybe with some wadding

Whether or not it has them (not used recently) I always replace or add the gliders (small plastic nubbins on a nail) on the slider rails to protect both pin and floor

Make sure backglass is locked in

I also find these very handy
If you have a removals blanket (you can get them on eBay for cheap) then tombstone the pin on top of it ( folded up into a nice square a bit larger than the end of the pin). The blanket can then act as a skate so you can easily
slide the machine along or rotate it without scratching it or the floor
You can shove these under the feet for short distances or screw them on.


I have to move my football table around quite often for filming and these are ideal over short distances on a mirror smooth floor. Any undulations and you've got problems.
Filming what you dirty boy?!:eek:

Hahaha....my pinball room is also my game development motion capture studio (which I have to do in my pants for accuracy).

I was going to email you today actually! I decided to take the computer out of RFM to clean out 20yrs of dust and see if it had had the RAM upgrade. NOT ONE SPECK OF DUST!?!?! How disappointing! What is the history of this machine?? Has anyone ever played it before?? Man, I expected to buy a 20yr old machine but you sold me a brand new one. Sucks.


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Wow, you guys put so much thought into it. I must have become numb to it after how many times my machines have all been moved around, set up, taken down, loaned to people, taken to shows etc.

This is how it goes :-

1) Put pipe lagging on the head so it doesn't dig into the side rails
2) Throw a ratchet strap around the head and body, adding slices of cardboard around the corners so that the straps don't dig into the artwork
3) Stand it up on its back
4) Listen to the Clunk Clunk Clunk and then shout F*CK I forgot to take the balls out

Job done, works every time :rofl:

My only regret was that time I forgot that Star Wars coin box housed my collection of old coins. Holy hell those old 10p's are heavy and make some scary noises
Hahaha....my pinball room is also my game development motion capture studio (which I have to do in my pants for accuracy).

I was going to email you today actually! I decided to take the computer out of RFM to clean out 20yrs of dust and see if it had had the RAM upgrade. NOT ONE SPECK OF DUST!?!?! How disappointing! What is the history of this machine?? Has anyone ever played it before?? Man, I expected to buy a 20yr old machine but you sold me a brand new one. Sucks.
@Steve C might know the history as it came from him but wow, I should have stuck it in an old box and sold it to some nib collector for miiiiiiilions!!
Put the ratchet strap on front to back, not side to side. No chance of it slipping off then.

Also less artwork to scratch, plus you can fit the ratchet in the free airspace where the back box has been folded down
I do this also great when moving in and out of cars etc !
Just one down side is , if the machine has a topper on it the strap pushes on the plastic topper and could break it :oops:
Ha, hope that's not your living room Matt. All went OK and it even booted back up with no bongs the next day.
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