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Toasted a coil. Not sure how


Sep 9, 2011
Paul G
Was playing AC/DC and noticed an awesome 'dry ice' effect drifting over the playfield. Powered off straight away, and flipped the playfield up to reveal a terrible smell and a cooked coil (bottom pop-bumper)


The coil is entirely locked up, but the weird thing is that its locked 'off' (ie, not energised). The associated transistor seems ok, but this coil is shorted.

Does that happen? I just need to replace the coil?
Still under warranty so ask Phil if anyone else has had the same problem.
Tip of the hat to my good friend @TYHO. On the phone straight away giving some top tips as usual.

Difficult to test the transistors, as they aren't TIPs, but the diode & resistor on the driver board seem to measure fine. The switch isn't activated (and works fine in switch test). The coil is practically a dead short on resistance (compared to the other two, which measure 10/11ohm)

Will have a bit more of a poke around tomorrow and then get in touch with Phil. Seems weird, but pretty knackered after late night yesterday so I may be missing something.
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