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To Mod or Not to Mod


Jul 26, 2011
Hi all,

I'm shortly going to start work on my TOM - needs a little TLC - and I've been thinking about adding the tiger saw mod and the lighted mirror to the game. I'm not sure whether or not to do this as I quite enjoy playing games as they were originally intended but I can appreciate that some mods do enhance a playfield. What do the members of this forum do? To mod or not to mod, that is the question.
Personally i think that as long as the mods are in keeping with the game, and fit in nicely with what is already there then there's no harm in them, and in some cases enhance whats there.. Just dont overdo it, else it'll look awful!!!
I don't get the modding scene at all I prefer stock. It's not so bad to install the "value engineering" victims I suppose but some of the things they do to poor old TZ :eek:
If a mod makes a game look and play better then why not? The spirit ring mod for TOM looks stunning and apparently the ball raises up even higher. Some mods are just things that would have been included in the original game if a budget had allowed. Some LED's look great but on some games they don't so think it is all down to personal preference.
Love some mods, hate others. All depends on the owners tastes. Overall i like to see people come up with new ideas and implement them well. That doesnt mean i will fill my pins up with them. Subtle mods (laser cannons STTNG, prop mod IJ, tiger saw mod ToM) are a must for me. They make the playing experience that little bit more enjoyable.
i love mods on pins as long as they are tastefull and add something to the game or help id shots ...eg the piano on tz.

one thing however i would not do is add a mod that is not 100% reversible.
Thanks folks. I think I'll take a look at some of the mods at the Party this weekend and see how they sit with the original games. Think I might go for it!
Spinning Tiger Saw and mirror mods look amazing on TOM and in keeping with the original design philosophy. I personally hate all the neon mods you see, but the TOM ones are well worth doing. They make an already good looking game absolutely stunning.
mod everything at all times.
bartron' date=' post: 1676698 said:
mod everything at all times.

Wondered how long it would be before the Modfather stepped in.

Stan is the man for mods.
Haven't gone mod crazy after all that - LEDs for the playfield and backbox are all that I've gone for at the moment - once they're in, I'll post pictures! If my SWT sells on eBay, maybe I can afford a Tiger Saw Mod too?!
:oops: < Ive

another effective mod for ToM is to change the Stand-up targets, for the Whitewater transparent orange ones[attachment=123:3480559530_0379003426_z.jpg]
They look good - pity I've just got the replacement white ones I ordered....:oops: Read a good tip on a current Pinside post to protect the trunk a little though:

What you need to do is get weather strip window seal foam with sticky backing by 3M. On the sides where the trunk hits it, you need to put the foam weather strip on the inside. This will pad the trunk from the metal plate on the inside of the Trunk. Now when a ball hit the trunk the foam absorbs the impact and should prevent your trunk from breaking.
teachp8' date=' post: 1677844 said:
They look good - pity I've just got the replacement white ones I ordered....:oops: Read a good tip on a current Pinside post to protect the trunk a little though:

This does help a little, but it is a must to let the machine warm up before playing as this will protect both the trunk and plastics. You should do this with all machines, more so for ones which are stored in a cold games room.
bartron' date=' post: 1677839 said:

I used to supply a ramp light mod (8 pink diodes), was quite complex to make as it followed the ramp angle and existing plastics so that the light was uniform under the plastic, it also incorporated a blanking plate to stop light bleed on to the cab side, I sacked it off as it was too much work for the money.

Design allowed for quick installation

[attachment=124:ramp mod.JPG]
Replay' date=' post: 1663824 said:
The spirit ring mod for TOM looks stunning and apparently the ball raises up even higher.

I dont think these are available any more? I saw one guy had managed to add a led to it which was nice! Let me know if this is available...

ToM is a great pin to tinker with :

Firstly, the spinning saw is great, but ive had two have two versions as the first one used a belt and the motor died, I think pretty much that version has been replaced with the motor that drives the blade directly (this is the guy selling them with the cool metal blade replacement on eBay USA), his web site is at http://www.pin-logic.com/

... talking of that blade, check out http://www.sawshop.co.uk/index.php?...n3l3ahchq4ml8cr7irmmv1l2b2&keyword=STK1361020 - I bought one of these as its "golden" in colour without having to pay stupid amounts for plating: even though theres writing on one side the other side is blank

Secondly, I've literally just recieved a gold Newton ball for the captive ball from http://www.bestofpinball.de/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/11879 - a bit pricey but it'll allow me to to use http://www.pinballcenter.eu/catalog...oss-low-magnetic-p-1819.html?language=english golden ball in the captive area and might splash out on a set to see how durable they are in full play.

Thirdly I did LED to the inserts (which is nice!) and whilst I did the backbox, I think I might revert to standard bulbs as whilst it removes the yellowy finish, with ToM I kinda want that! Playfield GI bia LEDs is a nono in most peoples books!

Lastly, naturally Cliffy ramp protectors are a must (pinballheaven sellthem), when I fix my new trunk I'll be trying the tape buffer trick as I wasnt aware of that. Chain and padlock always look nice on the trunk too
Oh and I bought from Andy Netherwood (pinballmania) at the Party purple rubbers for the flippers but not fitted them yet, but will do along with violet post sleeves (http://www.parts4pinballs.com/product_info.php?cPath=159_23_222&products_id=4835) Whilst I've got gold legs, the idea of changing siderails and lockbar to gold seens way too OTT for my personal taste! If you want to go a little further and protect some plastics, you could do what I did and go for these http://www.pinbits.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=13_33&products_id=268

Forgot to mention pinballdecals.com do some great target covers, I got these: http://www.pinballdecals.com/Images/PartsbyGamePictures/Pic156.png and very pleased with them!

Do let me know how you get on with the mirror with the lights (presuming you mean this http://decoratorsupply.com/pinball/...Tigersaw___Marquee/tom_tigersaw___marquee.htm) - have been tempted but at $120 odd it does make you wince: and that blokes say kit isnt the one I was recommending BTW!

Hope that helps: must get some more pics of the ToM - I've only one currently,s ee it at http://www.pinballowners.com/ravage

Cheers Rav
bartron' date=' post: 1677839 said:

Haha :oops: guilty - fact is I enjoyed stripping the game down, shopping it, adding a few lights. It was a *beauty* with barely a mark on it.

Then I started playing it :eek: Gave it a month or so - bored to tears. Sold for 1300 I believe - I know ! for a minty ToM ! but this was summer 2007 ....a lifetime ago in the pinworld.
Here is the spirit ring mod. Only recently bought from a guy who makes them in the states. Think he is making another batch. As for captive ball, is it as simple as buying a gold ball and taking out the silver captive ball and swapping?

[attachment=125:TOM SPIRIT RING.jpg]
Yeah, hate to break the illusion, but the "captive ball" is screwed into the playfield rather than clamped so it has a direct screwthread coming out of it! Obviously the other balls in the machine are free moving.

Can you PM me the spirit ring guy's email or something?
Can PM his email but not worked out how to PM on this site?

So, just to confirm, need to buy a single gold ball and the ball with the screw in it?
Can PM his email but not worked out how to PM on this site?

Just click on Rav's name or avatar and in the black pop up box there's an option to "Start a conversation". Select that and it goes to the page where you can send PM's. You can go back to them at any time by selecting your inbox at the top of the page.

Weirdly though, clicking on your name Replay doesn't show the conversation option. Maybe you've got something set different in your prefs?
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