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Wanted Tiny Bolts & Nuts

mark adams

Jun 21, 2015
I have three standup targets that were front mounted so in order to change them to rear mounted i drilled out the rivet to switch the mount to the rear only to discover i don't have any bolts small enough to bolt them back together.
Seems to be about 1mm diameter and approx 15mm length.
Any ideas where i can obtain these??
I'll have a look in the garage later on. Got loads of that sort of stuff from when I was making spectacles up for the wifes shop.
Failing that she'll have some there.
image.jpeg image.jpeg Not as successful as I hoped. Longest bolts at the shop are 1cm. I have some fatter, 1.6mm that are self tapping.
I know longer ones are available, they are used for rimless spex, the thickness of the edge of the lens depends on the prescription, so you'd put a long bolt in, do up the nut & snip off the surplus.
If the above are no use google "spectacle prescription house", find a local one & buy/blag.
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