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If you want to hear the machines come early Day and not evening and weekends.

You can turn all the machines up full whack but you’ll hear **** all when there’s people in there we’ve cranked the music up and the general hum from people

I have hearing lose and cocktail syndrome and still managed to hear the machines yesterday and we were rammed

Tilt is first and foremost a craft beer Bar therefore sound levels have to be nice for everyone.

Like everything in life you have a small group of enthusiasts who will bitch and moan about something because if doesn’t meet their desires. But end of the day that small group only makes up 1% or 2% of my turn over on both the bar and in the pins.

Therefore my general customers will always have preferred treatment because they are who keep Tilt open, so if they don’t want machine booming out so be it we find a level more suitable.

If you want to continue having a venue like Tilt that has virtually every new machine on site within weeks of release. Support us better.

Be social and have a conversation with my staff about the volume or prices of my beer or anything else you want to moan about, instead of creaping off to moan on a forum ;)

Rant over i’m off to work to play some pinball and drink beer
I’m about to start installing headphone jacks in my games so I can turn em up loud without complaints.
Never seen one person use them!
Fair enough, I've often wondered how to get the sound right with them all in a row, the headphones seemed an obvious answer, the other thought I had was to space the machines further apart so less sound bleeding across but what pin head would do that and have less pins?!!
Working away from home this coming week and wangled it so I'd be staying over in Birmingham tomorrow night.

Anyone else in Tilt on Monday evening?
99% of people would not be bothered and it would be an expensive cost for zero extra return
i think hobbit and di have a head phone jack i wonder if any body has ever pluged in

I've tried putting my headphones in both The Hobbit and Dialled In and the volume was so low and the volume slider didn't help.

I'd love to be able to listen on headphones on site.
Ah sorry I though every Monday night was a league night!

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Replay must be set super $hit because I got a LOAD of them... and I’m super $hit.

£2 in JP = 3+ 2 games
£2 in GotG = 3 + 1 games
£2 in Wonka = 3 + 4 games.

£6 for 16 credits???

Highlight for me was Wonka, it played beautifully. JP also very good, but only a Pro and I found the vertical flip ramp things (far right and upper left?) really hard to make reliably. Maybe a flipper rebuild would help, dunno. Hit the shots nice and clean too.
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Replay must be set super $hit because I got a LOAD of them... and I’m super $hit.

£2 in JP = 3+ 2 games
£2 in GotG = 3 + 1 games
£2 in Wonka = 3 + 4 games.

£6 for 16 credits???

Highlight for me was Wonka, it played beautifully. JP also very good, but only a Pro and I found the vertical flip ramp things (far right and upper left?) really hard to make reliably. Maybe a flipper rebuild would help, dunno. Hit the shots nice and clean too.

Upper flipper was shooting fine when I played it on Saturday... It has to be a clean shot to make it... Poor shooting won't get up it
Upper flipper was shooting fine when I played it on Saturday... It has to be a clean shot to make it... Poor shooting won't get up it
Upper Flipper was fine, the post just below it was wobbly loose, but those 2 shots are tight as a badgers chuff! The right one was hardest, 70% would fail to make it up and over. My shooting was probably off.

112 million was my best effort on JP, 1million and something on Wonka - couldn’t fault that.
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