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Thoughts from a Taiwanese supermarket


i like pizza
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
How much do you lot know about Taiwan? Not a lot I bet. probably just that it was where everything was made when we were growing up, and it was all crap plastic junk. I was the same before I found myself here back in 97 and ended up staying a couple of years - I had a bike, a job, a flat, a girl, the works. A few years later back in London I met my wife, a Taiwanese girl who'd been in UK since she was 15 in the mid 80s. we've been married since 2000 so I've been here loads of times and I love the place.

The people are awesome friendly and have their own weird style and relaxed attitudes to life that come from living in a totally capitalistic society where many rules are flexible despite the ever present sabre rattling threats from backward communist mainland China. When I lived here it was normal to not wear helmets or seat belts, there were no such things as building regulations or traffic rules, so most streets would have an eclectic mix of structures ranging from ancient stylised temples through horrible concrete briezeblock monstrosities to huge fibreglass Godzilla heads or space aliens towering overhead. That was normal because in Taiwan anything goes. Headlights could be white, red, purple or green, as could brake lights (not too sure how safe that one was).

The food is great once you know what's what, the weather is mostly excellent, ie you get proper hot sun, and proper rain where it pis_ses down stair-rods for 36h, and in between it's mostly nice if a bit humid. It's an island (originally called Formosa by the Portugese, meaning beautiful island i think) so it has all that good stuff going on, with great seafood and (if you look) also beaches with sand and surf, and tint islands that are unspoilt with flying fish, and all that jazz. the women are very lovely if you can get past that irritating "oooh, hee hee hee i'm so cute and babyish, oopsy tee hee hee!" nonsense. mostly they have awesome fabbo bodies with none of the usual English girl thing of growing enormous fat ****s as soon as they reach 25. the downside is they usually have very little body fat, so no tits to speak of, but sometimes you find exceptions :) ahem.

I used to enjoy myself playing loads a pinball in those days at the local supermarkets like Toms World, i can definitely remember enjoying Tommy, TAF, GnR, Twister, STTNG, and i think JP or at least there was definitely a dinosaur one. plus i could go to at least three other places and play pin, i remember the entire top floor of a huge skyscraper was just an enormous arcade and about a quarter of it was fll of pinball machines (admittedly mostly deserted while the locals sat down to smoke and play fighting games, or card games, or driving games. this is before all those dance games and gopher bashers and redemption shi_te ones all came through).

anyway. i'm out here again on me hols so since i'm mostly bored and mostly drunk i thought i'd share some pictures from a trip to the supermarket today.

nowadays when something is labelled 'made in Taiwan' it usually means it's top quality (not available to actual Taiwanese) and well made. unlike 'made in UK' which now means it's totally plastic bollock-junk

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i dunno, i think it could be a liver

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chicken feet are everywhere. i'm not a fan

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loads of good stuff here in last night's dinner. various tofu dishes, some fried pork, peanuts, bamboo..... yum yum

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durian opened up

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no idea

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types of fish

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another durian shot. tastes a bit soapy for me

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i love this stuff - fish, peanuts and tofu with chili. not sure if this supermarket version has all the ingredints in it or not

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possibly the most delicious thing in the world is fresh bamboo shoot. every morning they cut this stuff, and it tastes like heaven after getting rid of the outside tough stuff. texture is like water chestnuts, taste is like ambrosia from the nipples of a goddess

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they also sell scooters in this supermarket

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want a chicken? black or white?

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the bath at my mum-in-law's place is pretty small, but the tape makes it look like it has it's own helipad

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trotters. one for you northerners

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tripe. no, really

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a fish

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more durian

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dragon fruit. these are lovely but tricky - some have white lesh, and soe have deep purple flesh.

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my little boy Dylan

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no idea

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could be anything

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various seafood

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more squid

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a lot nicer than it looks. this is some shredded bamboo with tofu and is probably the tastiest thing you never tried


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finally, some video - only watch this if you are really bored or have even less of a life than me. otherwise just move along. really. in one of them i look at the fish counter, in another i bang on about dried snack goods, and in the third i look through the mushroom department for something familiar. yawn.

anyway that's my lot. sorry to waffle on but i like to write more than i like to talk.
Man, thats made me really hungry :) What are the Horse Beans like and do they have the packets of little tiny dried crabs?
Horse beans are one of my favourites, I open a pack of them and there's no putting them down. Hard to get in UK for some reason. I've not seen the pack of tiny crabs but if you recommend them I will seek them out. If I hadn't followed recommendations I'd never have discovered roasted eel, papaya milk, lotus root, so many treats.......
These photos and videos are a perfect reminder of why I can never go visiting my brother. He's been living over there for the last couple of years.

He of course totally loves it. He said he got a parking fine the other day, and it was like 50p. He paid with a pound and told them to keep the change. Felt like David Beckham all day.
More pics ......

Some camels shagging at Taipei Zoo

The things you find in some gift shops...

Ok no fishing etc


Borrowed iPad not just good for Skype and TPA. Also works as baby entertainer

No comment. You either get the reference or you don't

More seafood

And some delicious rice sausages with BBQ pork sausage inside masquerading as a hot dog but ten times nicer
Bloody typhoon has gone and spoiled my plans to fly to Tokyo tomorrow


****ing down now and getting windy but not properly nasty yet. Airport closed and we've saved hot water in thermos flasks and got torches ready in case we lose power.

So I won't get to see this tomorrow after all :(

No power = no phones or wifi so no communication basically.

I don't know what I'll do without the internets.
thx for the write up, i never knew much about Taiwan, great stuff, and then to top it off, i havnt stopped laughing at that last video
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